
关于”照顾我们的父母“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Take care of our parents。以下是关于照顾我们的父母的高三英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”照顾我们的父母“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Take care of our parents。以下是关于照顾我们的父母的高三英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Take care of our parents

Taking Care of Our Parents

Nowadays, many young people are busy with their work and studies and often neglect their parents. However, it is important for us to remember that our parents have sacrificed a lot for us and deserve our love and care.

Firstly, we should spend more time with them. It can be as simple as having a meal together or taking a walk in the park. We should also listen to their stories and opinions and show interest in their lives.

Secondly, we should help them with household cs or daily tasks, especially if they are elderly or have health problems. We can do the grocery shopping, cook meals, or take them to medical appointments.

Finally, we should show our gratitude and respect towards them. We can express our love through small actions such as writing a letter or a phone call, or by giving them small gifts to show how much we appreciate them.

Taking care of our parents is not only a responsibility but also a way to show our love and respect for them. Let us cherish the time we have with our parents and make the most of it.








I love my parents. Last Friday, when I had breakfast, my parents reminded me to take my umbrella. It was said that it would rain heavily in the afternoon.

I forgot to bring my umbrella. After school, I waited for my parents outside the school. After a few minutes, I felt cold.

I feel sick when I get home with my parents. I felt worse at night, and wasami's parents took me to the hospital. My parents stayed in the hospital all night.

They didn't feel better until the doctor told them I was OK. I did some wrong things. My parents always taught me that when I was in trouble, they always encouraged me to overcome them.

I love my parents. They are the best.





Thanks to our parents, I think my parents are the most important people in my life. It's not because they are rich or famous. What I value most is their care and love for my parents.

They may work hard, but when I am in trouble and need help urgently, they are always there for me. They are the first to support me and encourage me to grow up in their constant care and love. When they are gray haired and wrinkled, they will never lose my parents' dignity in life and work.

I understand that a person can make a difference. I will never forget their care and love, which brought great enrichment to life. I hope they will always be happy and healthy.

It's time to show our gratitude to those we cherish.








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