




How did I spend my holiday? I spent my last holiday happily. Honesty is one of the best virtues. Honest people are always trusted and respected.

On the contrary, a liar is regarded as a "liar" and treated by honest people. The day before yesterday, my class went to Jinshan by bus. I went to Jinshan by bus.

I went there three times by bus. A few hours long journey made us It was very tired, but the beautiful sea made us relive the trip to Mount Tai. I remember the first time I went to Mount Tai.

It was just like yesterday. People often said that gold and silver are the most precious things in the world. But I said that reading is more valuable because books give us knowledge and knowledge gives us strength to measure an accident.

It was a rainy and windy morning, the sky was overcast, the temperature was low, and the streets were almost empty No one. On my way back to school, suddenly a speeding car came round the corner. Pollution control.

In this article, I will draw your attention to the subject of pollution control.




If you're a fresh graduate, congratulations on the results of everything you've done in your undergraduate career. If you think college is fun, the next chapter may be more interesting. You can stop doing your homework and relax at night and on weekends for at least a while.

(I graduated from college a few years ago, looking back, I wish I knew what I was doing with personal finance and money Understand. I've summed up these ideas into the following seven suggestions, none of which are hard to do, they're just hard to remember that if you can do all of these suggestions, you'll go ahead, set it, forget it. When you start your new job and retire, the last thing in your mind is what you'll do when you retire 40 years later.

However, what you're doing now will have a huge impact in 40 years Bonus, so be sure to make good use of your retirement opportunities. If you can, you can choose to contribute to k) or b) retirement plans, especially if your employer offers to contribute to Roth annually The proportion of IRA contributions matches the highest you can achieve, because hopefully, in the end, you'll make too much to contribute, you'll want to take advantage of tax-free growth, and you need evidence that if you contribute only dollars a month and it's appreciated every year for 40 years, you'll end up with a reward of more than $1 and forget about it. Find mentors, find people who know the world better than you, and learn as much as you can.

One of the most important lessons you can learn when you're young is that you don't know anything. All great people always trust those who are ahead of them, and the giants who stand on their shoulders will find your giants. You may have just graduated from college, but don't stop learning.

If your new employer offers educational compensation, use it and use it as soon as possible, educational compensation will Like you get a raise when you.


如果你是一个刚毕业的学生,恭喜你在大学生涯中所做的一切都有了结果如果你认为大学很有趣,下一章有可能会更有趣你可以停止做家庭作业,至少在一段时间内,晚上和周末放松一下(我几年前从大学毕业,回首往事,真希望我知道我现在对个人财务和金钱的了解。我把这些想法总结成的七条建议,没有一条是很难做到的,他们只是很难记住如果你能做到所有这些建议你会走在前面,设定它,忘记它当你开始你的新工作退休时,你脑海中最后一件事是你40年后退休时你会做什么然而,你现在做的事情将在40年后产生巨大的红利,所以一定要好好利用退休的机会如果你可以的话,你可以选择为k)或b)退休计划供款,尤其是如果你的雇主提出每年为Roth IRA供款的比例与你所能达到的最高比例相匹配,因为希望,最终,你会赚得太多而无法供款,你会想利用免税增长,而你需要证据证明:如果你每月只贡献美元,而40年来它每年升值,你最终会得到超过$1的奖励,然后忘记它。寻找导师找到比你更了解这个世界的人,尽可能多地学习。



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