
关于”沉默不是金“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Silence is not golden.。以下是关于沉默不是金的六级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。


关于”沉默不是金“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Silence is not golden.。以下是关于沉默不是金的六级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Silence is not golden.

Silence is Not Always Golden


In many cultures, silence is often considered a virtue. People are often advised to think before they speak, and silence is seen as a sign of wisdom and control. However, while there are certainly times when staying silent is necessary and beneficial, it is important to recognize that silence is not always golden.


One of the most common scenarios where silence is not golden is in the face of injustice or wrongdoing. Remaining silent when witnessing injustice allows it to persist and perpetuates a cycle of harm. Speaking up and voicing opinions against such actions is crucial in promoting fairness and equality. By using our voices to combat injustice, we can contribute to positive change in society.


Speaking up and breaking the silence can also be beneficial in personal relationships. Keeping silent about our needs, concerns, or feelings can lead to misunderstandings and resentment. Effective communication is crucial for building and maintaining healthy relationships. By expressing ourselves openly and honestly, we can foster understanding and strengthen our connections with others.


Furthermore, silence can hinder progress and innovation. Without voicing our ideas and opinions, there is little room for growth and change. Through open discussions and debates, new solutions can be discovered, and improvements can be made. By actively partiting in conversations and sharing our thoughts, we can contribute to the development of new ideas and advancements.


In conclusion, while silence can be valuable in certain situations, it is important to recognize that it is not always beneficial. Speaking up against injustice, expressing our needs and concerns, and actively partiting in discussions are all important aspects of communication. By doing so, we can promote positive change and foster stronger relationships both individually and within society.



Silence should be gold, because it can make us more rational. Modest Silence gives us more opportunities to think about things and then make decisions. In this way, we can deal with some things more smoothly and finally achieve success.

I think silence is a reflection. You know, reflection is a symbol of wisdom. In the south of Yifu Library in our school, there is a meditator I think this statue has taught us how to think and reflect, that is, humility and silence.

However, our researchers do not need silence, but need courage to think. The captain of the French team lost to us in the last World Cup, which is an easy example, that is, the French team Long lost in the last World Cup gave us a good example, the French team lost the chance of final success, so silence makes people calm, avoid impulse, sometimes silence means patience although I admit that patience is not good for our mental health, sometimes if you want to succeed, you must be willing to endure what may be produced by yourself or others To do it in silence, you should believe that action is better than eloquence, and so should a man of action (doer).


沉默应该是金子,因为它能使我们更加理性,谦虚的沉默让我们有更多的机会去思考一些事情,然后再做决定,这样我们就可以更顺利地处理一些事情,最终取得成功,我认为沉默是一种反思你知道反思是智慧的象征在我们学校的逸夫图书馆的南部,有一个冥想者的雕像坐在他安置的广场上,并在那里保持了多年的沉默我想这座雕像教会了我们如何思考和反思,那就是谦虚和沉默,然而,我们的研究者并不需要沉默,而是需要勇气去思考,法国队的队长在最后一次世界杯上输给了我们一个很容易的例子,那就是法国队的队长在最后一次世界杯上输给了我们一个很好的例子,法国队失去了取得最终成功的机会,所以沉默使人平静,避免冲动有时沉默意味着忍耐 虽然我承认忍耐对我们的心理健康没有好处,但有时如果你想成功,你必须愿意忍受那些可能是你自己或他人产生的东西保持沉默去做你应该相信行动胜于雄辩,一个行动的人也要这样做(实干家)。


Since ancient times, most people believe in the saying "silence is gold", but I don't believe it. As far as I'm concerned, this sentence is no longer suitable for us. Now, in order to let everyone understand yourself and show yourself, the most important thing you need to do is to make your voice heard.

If you keep silent, you will lose the right to speak, so your good idea If you keep silent, you won't be adopted. Others will take a long time to notice that if you keep silent, no one will know you, opportunities, friends, even your lover will leave you. Don't always wait for opportunities and won't knock on your door.

Don't be shy to say "I'll stand by you" to your friends and "I love you" to your lover. Please allow me I'm here to ask you some questions. When your friends are in danger, if you see the bad guys stealing, will you keep silent? Other people's wallets should be silent.

Of course, the answer is "no", gold is always shining, but silence won't, so dear friends, don't say silence is gold, tell others what you think and feel, it will let them through your language Get to know you gradually and tell them what you want. Only in this way can you meet your needs well.







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