
关于”“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The text you provided needs to be translated into English. Please provide the specific text you would like translated, and I will happily assist you.。以下是关于的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The text you provided needs to be translated into English. Please provide the specific text you would like translated, and I will happily assist you.。以下是关于的高中英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The text you provided needs to be translated into English. Please provide the specific text you would like translated, and I will happily assist you.

The wedding in the dream every girl is imagining what kind of wedding will be in the future. I am pure and pure, romantic pink, and fantasize with the growth of age. Seeing many idol plays, I have been dreaming of a princess, imagining that the wedding is a beautiful dream.

I hope that a warm man will marry me. When my father puts my hand on his hand, it is the time for us to hand over our responsibilities Solemnly say "I do", I hope this is our lifelong commitment, accept the blessing of relatives and friends, share our love process, everyone's face is full of smile, the whole wedding is full of joy, this is my dream wedding.




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Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.

What's your name. Can you tell me your name? My name is XXX. My name is XXX.

Where are you from? How old are you born? Born in March 1970, bornI was born in Lianyungang. You are married. Yes, I am your family.

How many people are there in my family? My wife, my son and I. how long have you worked on the boat? I'm here I have worked on the ship for ten years. Which company did you work for? Which company did you work for? The ships I served for Lianyungang shipping company? Are you Chinese? I have worked on Chinese ships for about several years.

I have worked on ships under the flag of Liberia for several years. What is the name and tonnage of the librian ship? She is a bulk carrier with a total tonnage of more than 1000 tons, and the crew members are all Chinese No, they don't, including me. There are only Chinese in the deck department.

We joined at the same time. The others come from different countries. The captain is from which country.

The captain is from Poland. What kind of certificate do you hold now? I have ab certificate. What kind of ship have you worked on? Container ships, bulk carriers and other ships? How many countries have you been to, for example Japan, South Korea, how many ports have you visited, how many ports are there in Shanghai, how many departments are on board: Deck Department, engine department and service department? How many important cs are there in the world? The two largest cs: Panama C and Suez C? Our company's ships have a long route.

You are not afraid of difficulties. I am not afraid of any difficulties. Since I am a sailor, I should not Afraid of any difficulties, can you tell me what is most important to a sailor? Its safety, safety first, safety includes the safety of the ship, the safety of yourself, and all the crew members you are willing to work in our company, do you not want to be a crew member of your company? My ability makes me confident to become a competent sailor of your company.

If your company employs me, I promise that I will follow the instructions of the company, be loyal to my duties, and sincerely hope to be able to guide you I'd like to draw your attention and work hard for the prosperity of your company.






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