




Title: English Essay Words (With Chinese-English Translation)


English essay writing requires the effective use of a wide range of vocabulary. Enhancing one's vocabulary not only helps in expressing ideas precisely but also adds sophistication and clarity to the composition. In this article, we will explore a comprehensive list of useful English essay words along with their Chinese-English translations.

1. Introduction Words:

- Firstly (首先): Used to begin a series of points or ideas.

- In this essay (在这篇文章中): Indicates the topic or subject of the essay.

- It is widely believed that (广泛认为): States a common opinion or belief.

2. Thesis Statement Words:

- This essay aims to (本文旨在): Expresses the purpose or goal of the essay.

- The main argument (主要论点): States the central idea or argument of the essay.

- The purpose of this paper is to (这篇论文的目的是): Indicates the intention or objective of the paper.

3. Body Paragraph Words:

- Moreover (此外): Introduces an additional point or supporting evidence.

- For instance (例如): Provides an example to support the statement.

- On the other hand (另一方面): Contrasts or presents an opposing viewpoint.

4. Transition Words:

- Furthermore (此外): Adds more information or evidence to support a point.

- However (然而): Indicates a contrast or contradiction.

- In conclusion (总之): Signals the end of the discussion and summarizes the main points.

5. Conclusion Words:

- In summary (总结): Recaps the main points discussed in the essay.

- To conclude (总而言之): Signals the final thoughts or judgment on the topic.

- Based on the evidence provided (根据提供的证据): Indicates a conclusion drawn from the presented facts.

6. Persuasive Words:

- Therefore (因此): Shows cause and effect or establishes a logical connection.

- Consequently (因此): Indicates a result or consequence of an action.

- It is essential that (很重要): Underlines the importance or necessity of something.

7. Opinion Words:

- Personally (个人而言): States a personal viewpoint or perspective.

- From my point of view (以我的观点来看): Indicates an individual's opinion.

- In my opinion (在我看来): Expresses subjective thoughts or judgments.


Being proficient in the usage of diverse English essay words is crucial for effective writing. This list serves as a starting point to enhance your vocabulary repertoire. Practice incorporating these words into your essays to elevate the quality and coherence of your writing. Remember to adapt and use them appropriately, depending on the context and purpose of your essay.


1. Accomplishment - 成就

2. Acquiesce - 默许

3. Ambivalent - 矛盾的

4. Antipathy - 反感

5. Arduous - 艰苦的

6. Astute - 精明的

7. Audacity - 大胆

8. Benign - 良性的

9. Capricious - 反复无常的

10. Cogent - 有说服力的

11. Complacency - 自满

12. Conundrum - 难题

13. Credibility - 可信性

14. Deft - 熟练的

15. Despot - 者

16. Disparate - 迥然不同的

17. Egregious - 极为糟糕的

18. Enigma - 谜

19. Equanimity - 平静

20. Esoteric - 深奥的

21. Exacerbate - 加重

22. Exonerate - 免罪

23. Extricate - 使解放

24. Fastidious - 挑剔的

25. Frivolous - 轻佻的

26. Garrulous - 唠叨的

27. Gregarious - 爱交际的

28. Hedonism - 享乐主义

29. Iconoclast - 特立独行的人

30. Idiosyncrasy - 特质

31. Increty - 怀疑

32. Indolence - 懒惰

33. Inexorable - 不可阻挡的

34. Insidious - 隐伏的

35. Intrepid - 无畏的

36. Inundate - 淹没

37. Irascible - 易怒的

38. Lethargic - 懒散的

39. Magnanimous - 宽宏大量的

40. Malevolent - 恶意的

41. Mitigate - 缓和

42. Nefarious - 的

43. Obfue - 使模糊

44. Obsequious - 巴结的

45. Ostensible - 表面上的

46. Perspicacious - 有洞察力的

47. Pervasive - 普遍的

48. Plausible - 貌似合理的

49. Pompous - 自大的

50. Pragmatic - 实用主义的

51. Precarious - 不牢固的

52. Prevaricate - 说谎

53. Propensity - 倾向

54. Punctilious - 一丝不苟的

55. Quaint - 古雅的

56. Quixotic - 异想天开的

57. Recalcitrant - 顽固的

58. Resilient - 有弹性的

59. Reticent - 寡言少语的

60. Sagacious - 睿智的

61. Sanguine - 乐观的

62. Scrupulous - 细心的

63. Soporific - 催眠的

64. Stolid - 迟钝的

65. Sublime - 崇高的

66. Surreptitious - 鬼鬼祟祟的

67. Tenacity - 固执

68. Terse - 简洁的

69. Trite - 陈腐的

70. Ubiquitous - 无处不在的

71. Vex - 使烦恼

72. Vicarious - 间接的

73. Vindicate - 维护

74. Vitriolic - 刻薄的

75. Zealot - 狂热者


1. Advantage 优势

2. Disadvantage 不利因素

3. Benefit 好处

4. Drawback 缺点

5. Consequence 结果

6. Impact 影响

7. Solution 解决方案

8. Issue 问题

9. Challenge 挑战

10. Opportunity 机会

11. Development 发展

12. Innovation 创新

13. Progress 进步

14. Improvement 改进

15. Enhancement 增强

16. Efficiency 效率

17. Effectiveness 有效性

18. Importance 重要性

19. Significance 意义

20. Influence 影响力

21. Objective 目标

22. Goal 目标

23. Priority 优先权

24. Value 价值

25. Quality 质量

26. Quantity 数量

27. Achievement 成就

28. Responsibility 责任

29. Accountability 责任制

30. Reliability 可靠性

31. Versatility 多功能性

32. Flexibility 灵活性

33. Adaptability 适应性

34. Cooperation 合作

35. Collaboration 协作

36. Communication 沟通

37. Negotiation 谈判

38. Leadership 领导力

39. Management 管理

40. Planning 规划

41. Organization 组织

42. Efficiency 效率

43. Effectiveness 有效性

44. Responsibility 责任

45. Accountability 责任制

46. Reliability 可靠性

47. Versatility 多功能性

48. Flexibility 灵活性

49. Adaptability 适应性

50. Cooperation 合作

51. Collaboration 协作

52. Communication 沟通

53. Negotiation 谈判

54. Leadership 领导力

55. Management 管理

56. Planning 规划

57. Organization 组织

58. Decision- 决策

59. Delegation 授权

60. Empowerment 授权

61. Motivation 激励

62. Inspiration 灵感

63. Creativity 创造力

64. Innovation 创新

65. Imagination 想象力

66. Visionary 有远见的

67. Strategic 战略性的

68. Tactical 战术性的

69. Practical 实用的

70. Realistic 现实的

71. Idealistic 理想的

72. Optimistic 乐观的

73. Pessimistic 悲观的

74. Skeptical 怀疑的

75. Critical 批判的

76. Analytical 分析的

77. Logical 逻辑的

78. Reasonable 合理的

79. Valid 有效的

80. Accurate 准确的





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