
关于”“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The text you provided needs to be translated into English. It can be translated as follows: Please translate the text into English.。以下是关于的九年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。


关于”“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The text you provided needs to be translated into English. It can be translated as follows: Please translate the text into English.。以下是关于的九年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The text you provided needs to be translated into English. It can be translated as follows: Please translate the text into English.

I am optimistic, cheerful, prudent, patient, strong sense of responsibility, good at communication, serious work, strong affinity, work engagement, courage to innovate, dare to challenge, have good social communication ability and team spirit, have good work desire and work experience, and I love work, hope to have a very advanced corporate culture Full of vitality, challenging, respect for talents, pay attention to the ability of service units, give full play to the expertise and skills of each unit, and make its own contribution to the development team.




Hamburger hamburger hamburger hamburger hamburger hamburger is an English name. At the same time, it contains the elements of harmony and meaning. Sometimes it is directly called hamburger.

In English, Mr. hamburger refers to "from hamburger." it can refer to the hamburger itself, or from the beef stuffing in the package or other meat pie made from meat stuffing. Nowadays, it is generally called hamburger in Chinese, and hamburger is specially used The name of Mr.

hamburger originated from hamburger in northwest Germany. Today hamburger is the busiest port in Germany. In the middle of the century, people living there like to smash the steak into a certain shape.

That may be a steak dish named after hamburger, which was spread to the United States by many German immigrants at that time, appeared on the American menu From a cookbook, we can see that hamburger steak is very close to this concept. Today, it is a mixture of ground beef, onion and pepper. At the end of the century, the Americans improved the hamburger steak and sent it to the fast food restaurant.

This is the origin of today's hamburger. It is worth mentioning that hamburger is a kind of hamburger In American slang, Mr. hamburger once said to someone, "beat someone, turn your man into a meat pie.".




TEXT Hello, everyone, my name is XXX, I give you a speech is the unit, a text, your inner voice, I read the article is general, I found that the hero's life is very boring, the author of the article from the beginning of every day is the same, get up, make coffee, bathe, dress, and then go to work, next to the writer, perhaps because he did not notice On the day when the author was in the workplace, the man sitting next to him was very tired, because he was already very tired. For him, the author was curious about what he was thinking, his twisted heart kept trying to talk to him, or was the man who finally talked to him with tears in his eyes and red eyes. He chatted with the author for a few minutes, feeling relieved, not as sentimental as before The praised author is an angel, and the author can relieve the sad and happy mood of a man one day after a few weeks.

The author suddenly receives an envelope. The envelope does not indicate who sent it, but has written a word. Only the angel is too excited about himself after reading the contents.

Man said in the letter: thank the writer for communicating with him and even saving him. Why do you say the author He believed that if God didn't want him to die, people would stop him from committing . In this person's opinion, the author is an angel sent by God.

At the end of the article, the author's inner voice urges him to talk with the man. When he talks with the man, we will listen to your inner voice, even It has changed a person's life. After writing the article, I personally think that we will repeat our daily life like the author, which is very depressing.

Because we are not far away from the author, we can find the passion for life, which has been far away from us for a long time. We hope that we can change our personality and actively communicate with others. I was once an introvert But when I came to school, I went to all kinds of interviews to get rid of his bad habit of silence and walked from the introverted stool to the podium.

I asked, if there are people like everyone here who are introverted and quiet and make some changes for themselves, thank you.


TEXT AYOUR内心的声音你好,大家好,我的名字是XXX,我给大家的演讲都是单位的,文字一个,你内心的声音我看了文章一般,我发现英雄的生活很枯燥,文章讲的作者从每天开始都是一样的,起床,泡咖啡,洗澡,穿衣,然后上班,在作家的旁边,也许是因为没注意到作者在工作场所的那一天,坐在他旁边的那个男人已经很累了,因为他已经很累了对他来说,作者好奇他在想什么,扭曲的心不停地想和他说话,还是最后跟他说话的男人满眼泪珠,哭红了眼睛,跟作者聊了几分钟,感觉如释重负,不像以前那么多愁善感,也一直被赞作者是个天使,而作者也能在几周后的某一天缓解男人悲伤快乐的心情,作者突然收到一个信封,信封上没有写明是谁寄的,已经写了一个字,只有天使在作者看了里面的内容后,对自己太激动了,曼在信中说:谢谢作家和他沟通,甚至救了他为什么你说作者救了那个男人的命这个男人那天有着极其痛苦的问题,这就要结束他的生命了,他坚信如果上帝不想让他死,人们会阻止他,在这个人看来,作者是上帝派来的天使在文章的结尾,作者的内心深处的声音促使他和男人说话的时候,我们倾听你内心的声音,甚至改变了一个人的生活,在文章写完之后,我个人认为我们也会像作者一样,重复每天的生活,很郁闷,因为我们离作者不远的那种生活,我们可以找到那种对生活的热情远离了许久,希望,感动,能不能改变我们的个性,主动与别人交流,而我也曾是一个内向的人,但我来到学校后,我去各种面试,改掉他沉默寡言的坏习惯,从内向的凳子上走到讲台上,我问,如果这里有像大家一样的人,内向,安静,为自己做点改变,请谢谢。





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