
关于”为春节做准备“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Preparing for the Spring Festival。以下是关于为春节做准备的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”为春节做准备“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Preparing for the Spring Festival。以下是关于为春节做准备的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Preparing for the Spring Festival

June 7 and 8 every year is the most important day for Chinese high school students, because they need to take part in the college entrance examination, which will determine their future high school students to study for three years. They will do their best to get the highest score, so that they can enter the ideal university of their parents. They want to create the best learning environment for their children They have done a lot of things for their children to help them gain more time to review their lessons.

Some parents are even lured by advertits to buy various kinds of nutriments. The most exaggerated situation is that students are injected while learning. All parents and teachers hope that students can get the best results in this big test.




Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important traditional festival in China. As the festival approaches, people begin to prepare for it.

First of all, people clean their homes thoroughly to get rid of any bad luck from the previous year. This is known as “sweeping the dust”. In addition, they decorate their homes with red lanterns, couplets, and other auspicious items to create a festive atmosphere.

Secondly, people buy new clothes, especially red ones which symbolize good luck and happiness. They also prepare special foods for the New Year's Eve dinner, such as dumplings, fish, and spring rolls.

Thirdly, people send New Year's greetings to their relatives and friends. This is usually done by sending red envelopes filled with money, which is known as “lucky money”. Children are particularly excited about receiving lucky money.

Finally, people also partite in various traditional activities during the Spring Festival, such as setting off fireworks, dragon and lion dances, and playing traditional games.

Overall, preparing for the Spring Festival is a time for people to come together, celebrate and cherish their cultural heritage, and look forward to a new year of happiness and prosperity.


There is still a month and a half before the lunar new year, which is a festival that Chinese celebrate at the beginning of the lunar calendar. According to traditional Chinese customs, our parents and grandparents will clean every corner of the house, polish the windows, wash clothes, buy new year's food and commodities and gifts. Children will be the most benefited group during the festival, and in the month before that, they look forward to new clothes, delicious food, firecrackers and a year's allowance for their age.

In recent years, with the improvement of living standards, Chinese people tend to make various holiday plans to spend a different and meaningful new year, such as traveling abroad, or focusing on their hobbies or even work. Why do we spend our Chinese New Year in a different way today? I think this is because this is an era of free life and high personality. Although there are still some traditional things, our young people are trying to create new things that are suitable for us.

We want to treasure some really valuable things in our unforgettable treasures, which is amazing and wonderful. I will always remember that the Chinese New Year is a feast inherited from our ancestors, but if necessary, I would like to enjoy it personally in some ways.







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