
关于”大偏题“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Extremely biased。以下是关于大偏题的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。


关于”大偏题“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Extremely biased。以下是关于大偏题的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Extremely biased

Title: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media

Social media, in recent years, has become an integral part of people's lives. It refers to various online platforms that allow individuals to create, share and exchange information. While social media offers several benefits, it also poses certain drawbacks.

On the positive side, social media facilitates information dissemination and communication. With just a few clicks, users can access a vast amount of news, articles, and educational resources. This immediacy of information allows people to stay up-to-date on current events and global trends. Additionally, social media platforms enable individuals to connect and interact with others from different geographical locations, creating a sense of unity and fostering understanding among diverse cultures.

Furthermore, social media plays a significant role in promoting businesses and entrepreneurship. Platforms such as Facebook and Instagram provide opportunities for small entrepreneurs to showcase their products to a wide audience, expanding their customer base. Moreover, social media advertising is often more affordable than traditional marketing methods, ensuring equal opportunities for businesses of varying sizes.

However, social media also brings about several disadvantages. Chief among them is the potential for privacy invasion. As people share personal information and experiences on these platforms, they become more susceptible to identity theft and other cybercrimes. Moreover, excessive use of social media can lead to addiction and encroach on personal relationships. Constantly checking notifications and seeking validation through likes and comments may divert individuals from real-life interactions, causing a decline in mental well-being and social skills.

Additionally, the spread of misinformation and fake news is a significant concern on social media platforms. Due to the lack of fact-checking and the ease of sharing information, false and misleading content can swiftly go viral, leading to confusion and public harm. This highlights the need for increased critical thinking and media literacy among social media users.

In conclusion, social media has revolutionized the way people communicate and access information. While it offers numerous advantages, including information dissemination and business promotion, its drawbacks, such as privacy invasion and the spread of misinformation, should not be overlooked. To harness the benefits of social media while mitigating the risks, individuals must be cautious about the information they share and develop a healthy balance between the online and offline worlds.










题目:Write a letter to your future self. (给未来的自己写封信)

偏题:Write a letter to a stranger you met on the street. (给你在街上遇到的陌生人写封信)

Possible letter:

Dear Stranger,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you, a person who I may never see again, because something about our brief encounter on the street touched me and inspired me to reach out to you. Maybe it was your smile or your kind gesture, or maybe it was just the way you carried yourself with grace and confidence.

As a stranger, I don't know much about you, but I imagine that you have your own dreams, aspirations, challenges, and fears. You may be struggling with something that ody knows about or celebrating something that ody cares about. You may be feeling lost, confused, or overwhelmed, or you may be feeling grateful, proud, or hopeful. You may be a student, a worker, a parent, a retiree, or something else entirely. You may come from a different culture, background, or belief system than me.

Yet, despite all these differences, I believe that we share a common humanity. We both exist in this world, with all its beauty and complexity, and we both have the power to make a difference, however small or big. We both have the capacity to love, to learn, to grow, to connect, and to contribute. We both have the potential to create a better future for ourselves and for others.

I don't know if this letter will reach you, or if you will read it, or if you will care about it. But I hope that, for a moment, it will make you feel seen, heard, and valued. I hope that it will remind you that, even as a stranger, you matter. You matter to me, to someone else, and to the world. You are not alone, even when you feel like it. You are not insignificant, even when you doubt it. You are not limited, even when you believe it.

Thank you, Stranger, for crossing my path today. You may never know how much you have influenced my life, but you have. You have reminded me of the power of connection and the beauty of diversity. You have shown me that every person has a story, a worth, and a purpose. You have enriched my journey, even if it was for a fleeting moment.

I wish you all the best, Stranger, wherever you are, and whatever you do. I hope that you will continue to be yourself, to follow your heart, and to make the most of every opportunity. I hope that you will find joy, peace, and fulfillment in your life, and that you will spread it to others. I hope that you will never give up on your dreams, your values, or your humanity. I hope that you will remember this letter, as a token of appreciation, admiration, and friendship.


A passerby


Title: Dealing with Off-topic English Essay Prompts


As an English student, you've probably come across an essay prompt that seems completely off-topic. Maybe it's asking you to write about something you've never studied before, or it's phrased in a way that makes no sense to you. Don't panic! There are some strategies you can use to tackle this type of prompt.


1. Make Connections

If the prompt seems unrelated to anything you've studied, try to find connections between the prompt and your coursework. Look for common themes or concepts. For example, if the prompt asks you to write about the effects of global warming on agriculture, you could draw on your knowledge of environmental science and crop production to make informed arguments.

1. 进行连接


2. Analyze the Prompt

Sometimes, a prompt may seem off-topic simply because you don't understand what it's asking you to do. Take a close look at the prompt and break it down into smaller parts. Ask yourself what the prompt is really asking for. Are you being asked to compare and contrast two things? Analyze a piece of literature? Provide an argument for a particular point of view? Once you understand the task at hand, it will be easier to come up with a relevant response.

2. 分析题目


3. Use Outside Knowledge

If all else fails, don't be afraid to draw on your outside knowledge. Maybe the prompt is asking you to write about a current event or a personal experience. Use your own experiences and observations to support your arguments. Remember that good writing is often about connections between seemingly disparate ideas.

3. 利用外部知识


In conclusion, an off-topic essay prompt may seem daunting at first, but with a little effort, you can turn it into an opportunity to showcase your creativity and ytical skills. Use the strategies above to approach the prompt with confidence and come up with a thoughtful and well-written response.






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