
关于”演讲比赛评委总结“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The summary of the speech contest judge。以下是关于演讲比赛评委总结的高一英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。


关于”演讲比赛评委总结“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The summary of the speech contest judge。以下是关于演讲比赛评委总结的高一英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The summary of the speech contest judge

Filial piety is doting, filial piety is blessing, filial piety is to help parents in a hurry to the kitchen to eat pears and peaches in melons for parents to taste fresh, subscription sharing evening news often read for parents is filial parents, is filial parents, when like to take children's gifts as parents' wishes, gather around children to transfer, is filial piety parents let old people remember children's love of filial piety, filial piety is blessing, filial piety is filial Accompany their parents to discuss their daily family activities, take them out for a long vacation when they catch up with them. They often live with their parents every week. They are filial to their parents and filial to their parents.

When they like to give their children as gifts in this life, they suffer a lot. It is filial parents who let the old people live in their old age.




Title: Speech Contest - 演讲比赛

In today's highly competitive world, effective communication skills are essential. To foster these skills, schools often organize speech contests to provide students with a platform to showcase their speaking abilities. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits of partiting in a speech contest and share my personal experience.


Firstly, partiting in a speech contest helps to enhance one's communication skills. Through preparing and delivering a speech, students learn how to organize their thoughts logically, express their ideas clearly, and engage with an audience effectively. These skills are not only valuable in academic settings but also in future careers and personal relationships.


Secondly, a speech contest provides an opportunity for personal growth and self-confidence building. Public speaking can be daunting for many students, but partiting in a contest allows them to conquer their fears and gain confidence in their abilities. The process of preparing a speech, practicing it repeatedly, and finally delivering it in front of an audience boosts self-esteem and develops resilience.


Lastly, partiting in a speech contest allows students to learn from their peers. By observing other partints' speeches, students can gain insights into different speaking styles, techniques, and topics. This exposure widens their perspectives and fosters a spirit of healthy competition, encouraging them to continuously improve their own skills.


As for my personal experience, partiting in a speech contest last year was indeed a transformative journey. It initially seemed like a daunting task, but with guidance from my teachers and practice, I gradually gained confidence. The contest allowed me to express my thoughts on a topic that I cared deeply about and receive valuable feedback from the judges. It was a rewarding experience that boosted my self-esteem and motivated me to continue honing my public speaking skills.


In conclusion, partiting in a speech contest brings numerous benefits. It enhances communication skills, fosters personal growth and self-confidence, and provides an opportunity to learn from others. So, I encourage all students to seize the chance to partite in a speech contest and unlock their speaking potential.










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