
关于”介绍孔庙“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Introduction to Confucius Temple。以下是关于介绍孔庙的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”介绍孔庙“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Introduction to Confucius Temple。以下是关于介绍孔庙的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduction to Confucius Temple

Confucius, whose surname is April son in September, is Confucius, Ming and autumn, Zhongni. Later generations revere Confucius or was born in the capital of the state of Lu. At the end of the spring and Autumn period of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, he was an important official of the state of Lu, the founder of Confucianism.

Confucius's "benevolence, righteousness, wisdom and faith" has a profound impact on the surrounding areas such as the Korean Peninsula, Ryukyu, Japan, Vietnam and Southeast Asia. Confucius will target different disciples Talk about "benevolence" with different opportunities and teach students in accordance with their aptitude. Generally speaking, Confucius' benevolence is what Zengzi called "loyalty and forgiveness".




Confucius Temple is located in the South Gate of Qufu City, Shandong Province. It was built in the early BC. It is the first palace built according to the specifications to worship Confucius Temple in China.

It is one of the three ancient architectural groups in China, and is also a number of imitated and identified Confucius temples in the world. It occupies an important place in the history of World Architecture and is the worship of Confucius. The temple covers an area of about square meters.

It is said that the Confucius Temple was built After the death of Confucius, the house of the LV family was changed into a temple.




A possible version of Confucius Institute philosophy Popularization: development in recent years, we have set up Confucius institutes all over the world, which is the name that Chinese people are proud of. Because Confucius is a famous thinker, educators and philosophers in Chinese history have built many institutes. By the end of this year, the service scope of these institutions includes online Chinese teaching and training Chinese teachers Provide Chinese teaching materials, introduce modern Chinese tourism, business and medicine to the world.







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