
关于”上册“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:upper volume。以下是关于上册的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。


关于”上册“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:upper volume。以下是关于上册的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:upper volume

US economic growth faster than expected according to the latest revision of the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. economic growth rate in the third quarter was much higher than the growth rate originally calculated by the US Department of commerce two months ago.

With the increase of net exports and the support of consumer and government spending, economists are pleased with the data, which shows that the U.S. economy has grown at the fastest rate since IHS Global Nigel, chief American economist at insight Gault said the correction is unlikely to last long, it's a healthy correction, driven by final sales rather than inventory, but it overstates the momentum of economic growth, which we expect to see in the fourth quarter slightly below%. (Nigel GALT added, the outcome of negotiations in Washington aimed at avoiding the fiscal Cliff (the tax increase due next year) The longer the negotiations drag on, the more uncertainty will damage consumer and business confidence, especially if the economic crisis continues into January, and the willingness to resolve the problem in a timely manner will help to enhance confidence, but we should not expect the economy to come back to life immediately.


美国经济增长快于预期 根据美国最新修订第三季度,美国经济增长率远高于美国两个月前最初计算出的增长率%;在净出口增加以及消费者和支出的支持下,经济学家们对数据感到欣慰,数据显示美国经济增长速度达到自来最快水平IHS Global Insight首席美国经济学家奈杰尔•高尔特(Nigel Gault)表示,这一修正不太可能持续很长时间,这是一次健康的修正,受最终销售推动,而不是库存,但它夸大了经济增长势头,我们预计第四季度的经济增长率略低于%(奈杰尔·高尔特补充说,在华盛顿举行的旨在避免财政悬崖的谈判的结果(由明年到期的增税和削减开支组成的10亿美元紧缩)对美国经济前景至关重要,谈判拖得越久,高尔特表示,尤其是如果经济危机持续到1月份,不确定性就越会损害消费者和企业的信心,而愿意及时解决问题的意愿将有助于增强信心,但我们不应指望经济立即起死回生。



My Favorite Hobby

My favorite hobby is reading. Whenever I have free time, I love to pick up a book and immerse myself in the fascinating world of literature. Reading allows me to escape from reality and enter into different worlds and eras. It broadens my horizons and helps me gain knowledge about various topics.

I enjoy reading all kinds of books, from novels and biographies to science fiction and fantasy. I especially love historical fiction, as it combines the excitement of a thrilling story with the opportunity to learn about different time periods. When I read, I feel like I am transported to another time and place.

Reading not only entertains me but also helps improve my language skills. It enhances my vocabulary and improves my writing style. I have learned so many new words and phrases from the books I have read. Additionally, reading helps me develop critical thinking skills and improves my ability to yze and interpret information.

In conclusion, reading is my favorite hobby because it allows me to explore new worlds, gain knowledge, and improve my language skills. I cannot imagine my life without books.







My vacation plan winter vacation is coming. This is my winter vacation plan. From Monday to Friday, I will read English for half an hour in the morning.

After lunch, I will make lunch for myself and wash dishes. Then, in the afternoon, I will take a lunch break for an hour. In the evening, I will play basketball with my classmates.

I will do some reading and watch TV for one hour on the weekend. I will go to Hong Kong with my parents Shopping there, we will also visit Ocean Park and Disneyland, I think I will have a lot of fun in winter..







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