




Yesterday, I went to the zoo to see a lot of animals. Monkeys are the most interesting. They have long tails.

They can climb trees. Snakes are the longest. Some elephants are the smartest.

They have long noses. They can drink water with their noses. Giraffes have the longest necks.

They like to eat leaves. The panda is Lester. They like bamboo and many animals.




Rabbit (兔子)

Rabbits are small mammals that belong to the family Leporidae. They are found in various parts of the world and are known for their soft fur and distinctive long ears. Rabbits are highly adaptable creatures, living in diverse environments such as forests, meadows, and even areas. They are herbivores, feeding primarily on grass, leaves, and vegetables.


Rabbits are known for their ability to reproduce quickly. A female rabbit, also known as a doe, can produce a litter of up to 12 babies, called kits, every month. However, not all kits survive as they face numerous threats from predators such as foxes and hawks. In order to protect themselves, rabbits are known for their ability to run and jump quickly. Their long, powerful hind legs enable them to escape from danger swiftly.


In many cultures, rabbits are associated with speed, fertility, and good luck. They have been featured in folklore and children's stories, often portrayed as clever and quick animals. In addition to their cultural significance, rabbits are also popular as pets. They are known for their social nature and can be trained to some extent. However, potential rabbit owners should be aware of the commitment required to care for these animals as pets.


In conclusion, rabbits are fascinating creatures that have captured the imagination of humans for centuries. From their adaptability and reproductive abilities to their cultural significance and popularity as pets, rabbits hold a special place in our world.








Rabbit, like other mammals, has a white coat. It has a mouth, a nose, two eyes, two ears, four legs and a tail. The rabbit has two long ears and its head is erect.

It is soft and white. It has two red eyes and a three lip mouth on its chin. The rabbit's mouth is pointed, its nostrils are constantly swinging, and its mouth is opened into three lips.

Its eyes are like a pair of red clothes exposed to the sun. They become small pieces of red, and their ears are straight and long. They can slightly rotate and move.

The rabbit's front legs are very short, so it jumps forward, its claws are fleshy, its tail is bent inward, and its tail is very short. It is said that this lovely animal and Wu Wu During the race, the tortoise kept pressing, slowly and steadily. The rabbit had a sleep on the way and lost the race.

This is a good lesson.







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