
关于”历年小类型统计“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Historical Small Type Statistics。以下是关于历年小类型统计的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。


关于”历年小类型统计“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Historical Small Type Statistics。以下是关于历年小类型统计的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Historical Small Type Statistics

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1. 图表作文 (Graph/Chart Writing)


2. 话题作文 (Topic Writing)


3. 简答问答题 (Short Answer Questions)


4. 段落填空 (Cloze Passages)


5. 阅读理解 (Reading Comprehension)


6. 作文修改 (Writing Correction)


7. 翻译 (Translation)




1. 图表作文:给出柱状图、折线图、饼状图等图表形式的数据,要求考生描述和分析图表信息。

2. 表格作文:给出一组数据,以表格形式呈现,要求考生描述和解释数据。

3. 流程图作文:给出一个流程图,要求考生描述和解释图中的步骤和过程。

4. 地图作文:给出一个地图,要求考生描述地图上的特征、位置和关系。

5. 图片作文:给出一张图片,要求考生描述图片内容、主题和细节。

6. 提纲作文:给出一段文字提纲,要求考生根据提纲完成一篇文章。

7. 书信作文:给出一封书信或邮件,要求考生回复或写作。

8. 调查报告作文:给出一份调查数据或结果,要求考生撰写调查报告。


According to the statistics of the past years, the types of small writing in the postgraduate English exams mainly include the following:

1. Chart Writing: Presenting data in the form of bar graphs, line graphs, pie charts, etc., and requiring candidates to describe and yze the information.

2. Table Writing: Providing a set of data in the form of a table, and requiring candidates to describe and explain the data.

3. Flowchart Writing: Providing a flowchart and requiring candidates to describe and explain the steps and processes in the chart.

4. Map Writing: Providing a map and requiring candidates to describe the features, locations, and relationships on the map.

5. Picture Writing: Providing a picture and requiring candidates to describe the content, theme, and details of the picture.

6. Outline Writing: Providing a textual outline and requiring candidates to complete an essay based on the given outline.

7. Letter Writing: Providing a letter or email and requiring candidates to reply or write an essay.

8. Survey Report Writing: Providing survey data or results and requiring candidates to write a survey report.

Overall, the small writing in the postgraduate English exams covers various forms of writing. Candidates need to familiarize themselves with the requirements and methods of each type, and focus on accurately describing and yzing the information.




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