
关于”一大评分标准“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:One of the major evaluation criteria。以下是关于一大评分标准的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。


关于”一大评分标准“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:One of the major evaluation criteria。以下是关于一大评分标准的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:One of the major evaluation criteria

Title: English Writing Grading Criteria 英语一作文评分标准

Introduction 引言:

In order to s a student’s English writing skills objectively, teachers and educators use grading criteria as a benchmark. These criteria help evaluate the overall quality of the composition and provide constructive feedback to further enhance the student's proficiency. This article explores the essential grading criteria for sing an outstanding student’s English writing abilities.


Clear Structure 清晰的结构:

An excellent English essay demonstrates a clear and logical structure. It includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each paragraph should focus on a specific idea or argument and maintain a smooth transition between sentences and paragraphs. The organization of ideas should be coherent and easy to follow for the reader.


Grammar and Vocabulary 语法和词汇:

Accurate grammar and a wide range of vocabulary are crucial for an exceptional essay. The student must display a strong command of grammar rules, including sentence structure, verb tenses, and word forms. The usage of appropriate and varied vocabulary adds depth and sophistication to the writing.


Coherence and Cohesion 连贯和衔接:

A highly rated essay demonstrates coherence, which means that ideas are logically connected and flow smoothly throughout the composition. Cohesion refers to the effective use of transitional words and phrases to ensure a cohesive and coherent text. This enables the reader to follow the writer's argument without confusion.


Critical Thinking and Analysis 批判性思维和分析:

An outstanding essay demonstrates the writer's ability to think critically and yze the topic in depth. It goes beyond simple description and presents a mature understanding by providing supporting evidence, examples, and well-reasoned arguments. The student should consider different perspectives and establish a balanced viewpoint.


Conclusion 结论:

The grading criteria for an excellent student's English writing revolve around clear structure, accurate grammar and vocabulary, coherence and cohesion, as well as critical thinking and ysis. By focusing on these criteria, educators can provide feedback that helps further develop and refine the student's writing skills.






1. 主题表达准确、全面

2. 论点观点明确、有深度

3. 事实论证充分、有说服力

4. 建议措施具体、可行



1. 语言表达地道、准确、清晰、得体

2. 语句结构多样、错综有致

3. 词汇用词恰当、丰富、准确

4. 文章语气、语调适当



1. 文章结构完整、合理、有层次

2. 开头和结尾有亮点

3. 段落划分得当

4. 字数适中、符合要求



1. 思路清晰、连贯、有逻辑

2. 立场鲜明、观点明确

3. 分析问题透彻、深入

4. 对话题有深入理解


Scoring criteria for GRE English Writing Test

In the GRE English Writing Test, scoring criteria are very important. As an excellent student, we need to be familiar with these criteria and consider them comprehensively during the writing process.

I. Content

Content is one of the important indicators for scoring GRE English Writing Test. The scoring criteria include:

1. Accurate and comprehensive expression of the theme

2. Clear and profound views and arguments

3. Adequate and persuasive evidence

4. Specific and feasible recommendations and measures

II. Language

Language is another important indicator for scoring GRE English Writing Test. The scoring criteria include:

1. Authentic, accurate, clear and appropriate language expression

2. Diverse and intricate sentence structure

3. Appropriate, rich, and precise use of vocabulary

4. Proper tone and intonation

III. Format

Format is also an important indicator for scoring GRE English Writing Test. The scoring criteria include:

1. Complete, reasonable and hierarchical article structure

2. Bright opening and ending

3. Paragraph division is appropriate

4. Appropriate word count

IV. Ideas

Ideas are also the key indicator for scoring for GRE English Writing Test. The scoring criteria include:

1. Clear, coherent, and logical ideas

2. Clear perspective and distinct views

3. Thorough and in-depth ysis of problems

4. Deep understanding of the topic

In summary, the scoring criteria for GRE English Writing Test mainly include content, language, format, and ideas. During the writing process, we need to consider these criteria comprehensively and strive to achieve complete, accurate, clear, appropriate, hierarchical, rich, coherent, logical, thorough, and feasible recommendations and measures. Only by doing so can we achieve high scores and become excellent authors of GRE English Writing Test.





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