




This young scientist has a strong learning ability. It seems that he is not too late. He studies reading in class after school.

He has never been in grade. But because his homework is "very untidy, the teacher thinks he has an incurable disease", and the students also take him as the object of ridicule. Hawking has two boys in his class who bet with a bag of candy.

He said that he never uses materials. The students satirize him as "ein" Stan "look, many years later, this not outstanding boy really became a master of the physical society. What's the reason? With the growth of age, Hawking began to be interested in how to manage things.

He often took things apart, but regrouped in this matter. He was helpless. However, his parents did not punish him, and he even handed over mathematics and physics to him Father, "coach" found himself very interested in the field of physics research at Hawking's age.

Although high school physics is too easy to be shallow and particularly boring, he thinks that this is the most basic science. Where and why people expect to come from here, Hawking started a real scientific exploration.





霍金(Stephen Hawking)是一位伟大的物理学家、天文学家和科学普及者。他于1942年1月8日出生于英国牛津,立志成为一名天文学家。然而,在21岁时,他被诊断出患有ALS(肌萎缩性侧索硬化症),并被告知只能活2-3年。但霍金并没有放弃,他继续研究天体物理学和黑洞,并成为现代宇宙学和宇宙学领域的重要人物。



Stephen Hawking was a great physicist, astronomer, and science communicator. He was born on January 8, 1942, in Oxford, UK, with a passion for astronomy. However, at the age of 21, he was diagnosed with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) and was given only 2-3 years to live. But Hawking did not give up. He continued his studies on astrophysics and black holes, becoming an important figure in modern cosmology and the study of the universe.

Hawking is well-known in the scientific community and the general public for his books "A Brief History of Time" and "The Universe in a Nutshell". He also played himself in the movie "The Theory of Everything" and won the Oscar for Best Actor. Hawking has shown the world that everyone can overcome their limitations and become great through their own efforts and talents.




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