
关于”家人的爱好5句“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Hobbies of family members: 5 sentences 1. My father enjoys playing golf on weekends. 2. My mother loves to bake delicious cakes for special occasions. 3. My sister is a talented pianist who often performs at concerts. 4. My brother is an avid reader and always has a book in hand. 5. Our pet dog, Luka, loves playing fetch and going for walks.。以下是关于家人的爱好5句的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”家人的爱好5句“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Hobbies of family members: 5 sentences 1. My father enjoys playing golf on weekends. 2. My mother loves to bake delicious cakes for special occasions. 3. My sister is a talented pianist who often performs at concerts. 4. My brother is an avid reader and always has a book in hand. 5. Our pet dog, Luka, loves playing fetch and going for walks.。以下是关于家人的爱好5句的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Hobbies of family members: 5 sentences 1. My father enjoys playing golf on weekends. 2. My mother loves to bake delicious cakes for special occasions. 3. My sister is a talented pianist who often performs at concerts. 4. My brother is an avid reader and always has a book in hand. 5. Our pet dog, Luka, loves playing fetch and going for walks.

Many people ask me which book is my favorite, and I always answer them with pride. It's about the whole history of China. It's a long story for me.

I first came across this book when I was two years old. My mother bought it for me as a gift that I sold for five years. It's a very good gift.

It opens a door to history for me. It's a complete blank Ku's boy, after that, I almost forgot dinner. Since then, I am a historian in my class.

As I get older and older, I show my classmates what I learned from that book. I have more knowledge about China and have more confidence in my own China. I am proud that I am a Chinese.

I will work hard to build a stronger country and make Chinese history more brilliant like me. This is the most important book in my life. I am still reading it and reciting part of it.

I think everyone should read it and get this wonderful experience.




万能作文模板2:家庭成员的爱好:5句话 1. 我父亲在周末喜欢打高尔夫球。2. 我母亲喜欢在特殊场合烘焙美味的蛋糕。3. 我的妹妹是一位才华横溢的钢琴家,经常在音乐会上表演。4. 我的兄弟是一个热情的读者,手里总是拿着一本书。5. 我们的宠物狗卢卡喜欢玩接球和散步。

My favorite book to read is living. Its author is Yu Hua, who won the most foreign Literature Awards in China. The reason why I want to read this book is because I was introduced by others when I started reading it.

I was deeply attracted by the content of the book. This book is about a rich young man who lost his wealth because of gambling. He fell down in the last half of his life.

Tragedy and misfortune is that this book makes me deeply understand the sadness of life and life is a lucky thing. This book seems to open my new world, let me understand a new world life, and also inspired me to find the true meaning of life.




Title: The Alchemist (《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》)

The Alchemist is a book written by Paulo Coelho, and it is my all-time favorite book. It tells the story of a young shepherd named Santiago who embarks on a journey to find a hidden treasure, guided by his dreams and desire for adventure.

What I love most about this book is its profound philosophy and the lessons it imparts. The novel encourages readers to pursue their dreams, follow their hearts, and trust the journey. Santiago's transformation from a simple shepherd to a seeker of his own personal legend is truly inspiring.

Moreover, The Alchemist beautifully portrays the idea that the universe conspires in our favor when we are true to ourselves. It teaches us to listen to the language of omens and follow the signs that guide us towards our destiny. This notion has had a profound impact on my own life, reminding me to stay true to my passions and to trust the process of life.

Furthermore, the book's lyrical and poetic writing style captivates my imagination. Coelho's storytelling ability creates vivid imagery, transporting readers to the mystical and enchanting world Santiago encounters during his journey. The prose is filled with wisdom and touches upon various themes like love, spirituality, and the pursuit of happiness.

In conclusion, The Alchemist is a book that has left a lasting impression on me. It has taught me the importance of pursuing my dreams, trusting in the journey of life, and staying true to myself. Its beautiful storytelling and powerful messages make it a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration and a deeper understanding of life's purpose.

《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》是保罗·柯艾略(Paulo Coelho)所著的一本书,也是我最喜欢的书籍。它讲述了一个年轻牧羊人圣地亚哥为了寻找隐藏的宝藏,跟随梦想和对冒险的渴望踏上了一段旅程。









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