维金用英语怎么说 维金的英语翻译


维金用英语怎么说 维金的英语翻译


3. We have a long history of strong, courageous, independent women, ever since the Viking age.

译文:我们有着悠久的历史, 我们的女性自维金时代 就以坚强,勇敢,独立著称。

4. Come on, Yulia, hold on, it's not far to Vyatka.

5. Wilkins. A plantation seven miles from Wakefield, on the Santee east of Black Swamp.

6. - ... Olivia Newton-John and Gene Kelly.

7. They say that Mousavi is gonna cut the relief funds.

8. Villa Gesell. Please, please!

9. Just as good as yours in Vyatka. Right, Nastya?

10. it's their rest time Do you have anything to say about it?

11. We have a long history of strong, courageous, independent women, ever since the Viking age.

译文:我们有着悠久的历史, 我们的女性自维金时代 就以坚强,勇敢,独立著称。

12. Good night, King Vittorio, good night, everybody!

13. Maitre de Chais - Vieilles Vignes switzerland White

14. Sorvino: the first one that comes to mind for me is Martin Luther King.

15. But back in Vyatka Liza left behind her best friend Andrey. Who promised to call her every day.





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