耍赖用英语怎么说 耍赖的英语翻译

耍赖的英语可以这样说:make a scene,在日常中也可以翻译为"  Niggling",在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到82个与耍赖相关的翻译和例句。

耍赖用英语怎么说 耍赖的英语翻译

耍赖的英语可以这样说:make a scene,在日常中也可以翻译为"  Niggling",在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到82个与耍赖相关的翻译和例句。

2. squeegee guy(耍赖擦车仔(指不待车主同意便擦,擦后就要钱者)[亦作 squeegee boy (或 kid, man)])

I fetched does not run ( 我耍赖不跑 )

Playing rogue Going Rogue ( 耍无赖 )

Rogue supplier of low-quality suppliers ( 耍无赖的供应商 )

1. You have to keep your word when you finish the biscuits.

2. Do you see how shameless he is after her?

3. You cheated. i wasn't concentrating.

4. You're playing with me, aren't you?

5. For what? You'd just find a way to renege again, re.

6. i don't cheat. You got all the good cards.

7. What did you say? Which can be asserted like this?

8. Want to deny losing? So many people see it.

9. - Ain't gonna play if you're gonna cheat.

10. i can tell when someone's stalling.

11. - Yo, the white boy's cheating!

12. Are you still going to play innocent?

13. Don't deny it or i'll take you to court.

14. Are you trying to get out of it again?

15. You're a con artist. We made a deal.


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