罕有用英语怎么说 罕有的英语翻译

罕有用英语说"rare",其次还可以说成"  execptional",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到98个与罕有相关的翻译和例句。

罕有用英语怎么说 罕有的英语翻译

罕有用英语说"rare",其次还可以说成"  execptional",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到98个与罕有相关的翻译和例句。

unusual rare uncommon once in a blue moon ( 罕有的 )

Flower by Cynthia Rowley EDP ( 罕有茶香 )

radioactive rare metal ( 放射性罕有金属 )

Introduction to rare event simulation ( 罕有事件模拟概论 )

4. The rare-book dealer, Dennis Cooley. He's bald.

5. Them... Those woods are real deep.

6. The doctors assure me there's a real condition, anterial-grade memory loss, or short-term memory loss.

7. in any event, a le lady stands only on rare occasions.

8. "just as perfect humans are rare,

9. You big mouth! That's why HK lacks virgins

10. Buck's fast, all right, but he's kind of a handful.

11. - She rocks the chess club. - i just wanna play sports.

12. it's not hard to find a coral this big, but it's quite rare to see one that big in bright red colour.

13. The unusually big suspension allows the woofer to perform big membrane movements.

14. He's a rare bottle-nosed dolphin.

15. And it's not a pebble, it's a rare, triangular cut orange amber.




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