fragmenting是什么意思 fragmenting的中文翻译、读音、例句


fragmenting是什么意思 fragmenting的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:Fragmenting是将整个事物分割成不同的部分或组件的过程。缩写词也可以指代“碎片化”,表示某些东西被分成更小的、零散的部分。

2. 词源:Fragmenting来自“fragment”这个词,源自拉丁语中的“fragmentum”,意为“碎片,破片”。

3. 在英语中的应用:






4. 中英例句:

- 技术领域:The large document was fragmented into smaller sections to make it more manageable.(大型文件被拆解成小节以便于管理。)

- 文化领域:The fragmenting of culture is a natural result of the proliferation of social media.(文化的碎片化是社交媒体普及的自然结果。)

- 商业领域:The fragmentation of the market has led to increased competition among smaller firms.(市场的分割导致小型企业之间的竞争加剧。)

- 心理学领域:The constant use of digital devices has caused some people to suffer from mental fragmentation, which makes it difficult to concentrate.(长时间使用数字设备会导致某些人出现思维碎片化的情况,难以集中注意力。)

- 医疗领域:Rheumatoid arthritis is an example of a “fragmenting disease” that can affect multiple parts of the body.(类风湿性关节炎是一种“性疾病”,会影响身体的多个部位。)




1. The constant stress of modern life is fragmenting families and communities.


2. The sudden explosion caused the rock to fragment into smaller pieces.


3. The political situation in the country is fragmenting, with different groups vying for power.





例句:Profit, loss, margins, takeovers, lending, letting, sub-letting, sub-dividing, cheating, scamming, fragmenting, breaking away. (利润,亏损,差数,代管,出租... 出凭,换租... ,诱拐,跑路)


例句:In fact it has led to waste in public spending and to 17 sets of business regulations, fragmenting the national market and increasing costs. (实际上这却导致了公共开销的浪费以及形成了17套不同的商业规则,从而造成了国家市场的破碎和费用的增加。)


例句:Independent Diplomat is part of a trend which is emerging and evident across the world, which is that the world is fragmenting. (独立外交家是趋势的一部分 它正在世界各地兴起,势不可挡, 世界正在瓦解。)


例句:Fragmenting large messages can also reduce the amount of time required for a small message to reach the destination. (翻译:将大消息分段还可以缩短小消息到达目标所需的时间。)


1. Independent Diplomat is part of a trend which is emerging and evident across the world, which is that the world is fragmenting. (翻译:独立外交家是趋势的一部分 它正在世界各地兴起,势不可挡, 世界正在瓦解。)

2. Fragmenting large messages can also reduce the amount of time required for a small message to reach the destination. (翻译:将大消息分段还可以缩短小消息到达目标所需的时间。)

3. The ball would smash right into and through them, and the collisions with these air molecules would knock away the nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen from the ball, fragmenting it off into tiny particles, and also triggering waves of thermonuclear fusion in the air around it. (翻译:球体会直接撞击并穿过它们 和空气分子的这种相撞 会将球体上的氮原子 碳原子和氢原子击走 把棒球变成极小的粒子 而且会激发球体周围空气 发生热核聚变波 )

4. The breadth of experience is vital to his current business, especially when the traditional role of record companies is fragmenting. (翻译:这种丰富的经历对于他目前的事业至关重要,尤其是当唱片公司的传统角色正分崩离析之际。)

5. Thanks to the disk optimization features built into Mac OS X, there's "little benefit" to manually fragmenting your hard drive, Apple says. (翻译:那感谢苹果操作系统的磁盘优化特征吧,苹果说,手工整理硬盘是会对你有“好处”的哦。)

6. The eggs are laid and the females leave the job of incubating them to the males, while they go fishing out on the fragmenting sea ice. (翻译:雌性产后把孵化任务留给了雄性 它们则回到四分五裂的海冰处)

7. Journeying further south, the fragmenting ice is replaced by a permanent sheet that doesn't melt even at the height of summer. (翻译:继续向南,破碎的浮冰变成了 连盛夏也不会消融的永久冰原)

8. Independent Diplomat is part of a trend which is emerging and evident across the world, which is that the world is fragmenting. (翻译:独立外交家是趋势的一部分 它正在世界各地兴起,势不可挡, 世界正在瓦解。)

9. "Otherwise, you may end up fragmenting the IT environment that you are eager to consolidate," said Arend. (翻译:“否则,也许会以分割你期望巩固的IT环境作为结束。”艾伦说。)

10. Fragmenting audiences make it harder for commercial media firms to invest in expensive, high-quality original content. (翻译:但是对于商业媒体公司来说,观众类别化会令他们对昂贵的高质量的原创内容的投资信心不足。)

11. That patchwork of international capital controls is "fragmenting the global capital market, " Mr. Stiglitz said. (翻译:斯蒂格利茨说,各国资本管制各自为政,“正在全球资本市场”。)

12. For even as they write new rules, the market they want to regulate is fragmenting before their eyes. (翻译:即使编写了新的规则,他们也不得不眼睁睁地看着期望监管的市场变得四分五裂。)

13. This has a fragmenting effect. (翻译:这就带来一种裂化效应。)

14. "Otherwise, you may end up fragmenting the IT environment that you are eager to consolidate, " said Arend. (翻译:“否则,也许会以分割你期望巩固的IT环境作为结束。”艾伦说。)






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