




1. 环保议题


Environmental protection has always been a hot topic worldwide. With the advancement of human society, we are increasingly aware of the importance of environmental protection. We need to take measures to reduce pollution and waste of resources to protect our planet. People can start with small things, such as reducing the use of plastic bags, driving and wasting water. s should also strengthen environmental regulations and raise public awareness of environmental issues through education and publicity.

2. 学业压力


The competition in modern society is becoming increasingly fierce, and students face greater academic pressure. They need to complete a lot of homework and exams, as well as attend various training cl and social activities. This brings great pressure and burden to students, which can easily lead to psychological and physical problems. Parents and teachers should help students establish the correct learning concept, encourage them to relax and find hobbies and interests that suit them.

3. 科技进步


Technological progress is an important characteristic of modern society, and it has profoundly changed our lives. People can use various smart devices and the internet to easily access information and communicate. Artificial intelligence, robots, and driverless technology are also constantly developing. Technological progress has brought us many conveniences and opportunities, but it has also brought some new problems and challenges, such as network security and privacy issues. We need to seriously consider the impact of technological development, make the most of its advantages, and minimize its disadvantages.

4. 社会公平


Social fairness is an important topic that everyone cares about. Our society should be an equal and just society where everyone has the opportunity to pursue their dreams and talents. However, there are still many unfair phenomena in reality, such as wealth gap, gender discrimination, and discrimination against minorities. We should strive to eliminate these unfair phenomena and promote social equity through education, law, and social policies.


Introduction (引入)

Nowadays, the topic of [话题] has become a matter of concern for many individuals and societies. (如今,[话题]成为了许多个人和社会关注的问题。)

Body paragraph 1 (主体段落1)

First and foremost, [第一个原因]. This is because [具体原因]. (首先,[第一个原因]。这是因为[具体原因].)

Furthermore, [进一步的解释]. This can be seen in [具体例子]. (此外,[进一步的解释].这可以从[具体例子]看出.)

In addition, [提出一个相关理由]. As a result, [给出相关结果]. (此外,[提出一个相关理由]. 结果,[给出相关结果].)

Body paragraph 2 (主体段落2)

Secondly, [第二个原因]. This can be attributed to [具体原因]. (其次,[第二个原因].这可以归因于[具体原因].)

Moreover, [进一步的解释]. An example of this can be found in [具体例子]. (此外,[进一步的解释].一个例子可以在[具体例子]中找到.)

Additionally, [进一步陈述]. Consequently, [给出结果]. (此外,[进一步陈述].结果,[给出结果].)

Conclusion (结论)

In conclusion, it is clear that [总结观点]. Therefore, it is important for [相应措施]. Only by doing so can we [期望的结果]. (总之,很明显[总结观点].因此,对于[相应措施]是非常重要的。只有这样,我们才能[期望的结果].)





Recently, there has been a heated discussion on (主题). According to the chart/ graph/ table, (图表概况). From the chart/ graph/ table, we can observe that (主题).



Firstly, let's take a look at the data in the chart/ graph/ table. As we can see from it, (数据1). It indicates that (意义1). In other words, (解释1). Furthermore, (数据2). (数据2) indicates that (意义2). As a result, (解释2).



In addition, (数据3). (数据3) indicates that (意义3). In other words, (解释3). Moreover, (数据4). It indicates that (意义4). As a result, (解释4).



In conclusion, although there are some fluctuations and varieties among the data, the chart/ graph/ table makes it clear that (主题). From the ysis above, we can see that (结论). Therefore, it is time for us to (建议).




Nowadays, there is a hot topic which is (主题). Some people believe that (观点1), while others argue that (观点2). As for me, I tend to support the latter one/ former one.



From one perspective, (观点1). The reason is that (理由1). Moreover, (理由2). Therefore, (结论1). However, from another perspective, (观点2). The reason is that (理由3). Furthermore, (理由4). Therefore, (结论2).



On the one hand, (观点1) has its advantages. For instance, (优点1). Moreover, (优点2). Nevertheless, (缺点1). Therefore, (结论3). On the other hand, (观点2) also has its own strengths. For example, (优点3). Furthermore, (优点4). However, (缺点2). Therefore, (结论4).



In summary, it is difficult to say which viewpoint is better as it depends on different situations. But taking all the factors into consideration, we can come to the conclusion that (主题). Therefore, it is essential for us to (建议).




Nowadays, (问题) has become a widely discussed topic among people. This issue has aroused many people's attention and we must take some measures to solve it.



One of the main reasons for (问题) is that (原因1). Moreover, (原因2). Consequently, (后果1). Therefore, we must take some measures to deal with it.



Another factor that contributes to (问题) is that (原因3). Furthermore, (原因4). As a result, (后果2). Therefore, it is crucial to take immediate action.



In conclusion, every one of us has a responsibility to tackle (问题), and only when we take effective measures can (问题) be solved. So I believe that we should (建议).





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