
关于”介绍克拉玛依“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Introduce Karamay。以下是关于介绍克拉玛依的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。


关于”介绍克拉玛依“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Introduce Karamay。以下是关于介绍克拉玛依的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce Karamay

Introduction to Karamay 克拉玛依介绍

Karamay, a city located in the northwest of China, is well-known for its oil fields. The name "Karamay" in the Uighur language means "Black Oil." With its rich oil resources, Karamay has become an important energy base in China.


Karamay boasts of breathtaking natural landscapes. The city lies in the heart of the Dzungarian Basin, surrounded by vast deserts and rugged mountains. The natural beauty of Karamay attracts countless tourists every year. The Grand Canyon of Karamay, for instance, is a popular destination where visitors can enjoy stunning views of unique rocks and colorful canyons.


Apart from its natural landscapes, Karamay is also a city rich in culture and history. The city is home to diverse ethnic groups, such as the Uighur, Han, and Kazakh, which have contributed to the vibrant cultural heritage of Karamay. Visitors can explore the unique customs, delicious cuisine, and traditional festivals of these ethnic groups. In addition, Karamay has a rich history dating back thousands of years, with historical sites and relics that provide a glimpse into its past.


In recent years, Karamay has also been efforts to promote its modern development. With the establishment of industrial parks and technological innovation centers, the city has attracted a large number of investors and entrepreneurs. Karamay is striving to become a modern international city with advanced industries, high-quality education, and a comfortable living environment.


In conclusion, Karamay is a city that combines natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and modern development. It is not only an important energy base but also a popular tourist destination. With its unique charm, Karamay is definitely worth a visit.



Mapesa is the only daughter of King iv. She is le and elegant. She has been trained by her father since childhood.

She is like a young hero. She is not allowed to have any idea of love and marriage. In order to deal with the crowd now rushing into the palace, the king proposed that a man must defeat him in the carriage race in order to win his victory.

The death of his daughter would be the punishment for the loser. The king was sure of his victory because his horse came from Ares / stables. Many young princes lost their lives.

The last to come was mesenia, who was not discouraged by the fate of the men, because he had Poseidon around him. The sea god gave him two fleets, and Hawthorne advised him to escape the king's attack with a reward immediately after winning the game. As he said, King IVENUS lost his daughter.

His only hope was to drown in a river. Idas and marpesa soon came to a river, idas put down his beloved, there to rest, eat and drink. They spent a lot of money that night in a nearby temple.

In the morning, camidas discovered that mapesa had been stolen by Apollo. He chased after the immortal god Apollo, and he felt ready to fight and sacrifice for his love. Apollo held his arrow that could not escape.

Ida went forward with his sword. The duel was about to begin, and suddenly they heard a thunder coming from Zeus, who personally came to stop the unequal contest. He gives the girl a choice, one is immoral, the other is eternal glory, the other is a mortal life, full of loyal love, mixed with endless anxiety and sadness.

Fearing God's infidelity, marpesa refused Apollo's sweet words and chose a capable man as her partner, similar fate. Apollo was in a bad mood and left idas, feeling that he was at the top of the world..









Karamay is the first large oil field discovered after the liberation of China. "Karamay" is the transliteration of Uygur "black oil". It is named after a natural asphalt City, dongdianshan green oil mountain.

In October, an oil well in Karamay was approved by the State Council of Karamay oil field to establish Karamay City. For the cities of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, after years of efforts, this ancient desert The wasteland has built a relatively complete oil and scientific research, education, health, commercial and other industrial production bases for exploration, drilling, oil, petroleum, oil refining, construction, transportation, machinery manufacturing, etc. the oil industrial town supporting commerce and public utilities is basically located in the northwest edge of Karamay basin, which is located in the northwest of Karamay basin, with an area of square kilometers, including The city has a population of 10000, including Han, Uygur, Kazak, Hui, Mongolian, Manchu, Xibe, Russia and Karamay.

Their relatives and dependents are mostly compatriots in Hong Kong and Ma. They have extensive contacts with overseas countries and regions and Chinese people. Karamay has convenient transportation and p through the city within three highways With the development of the oil field and the construction of the northern city, there is a Dugen road along the line, forming five characteristic natural oil towns Jinlong Town, three Pingcheng, Baijiantan, Baikouquan, Wuerhe, and the "Fifth Five Year Plan" town and Dushanzi town at the southern end of the city The main tourist attractions of Karamay gold city are Heiyou mountain, Heiyou Mountain Park and Fengcheng.

Karamay well 1 has carried out extensive foreign economic and technological cooperation, and has technical personnel from hundreds of foreign companies such as Rolls Royce, general electric, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, France Schlumberger, etc, In addition, Exxon, shell, Mobil and other large oil companies have sent more personnel to study abroad.







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