
关于”我的上个周末“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:My last weekend。以下是关于我的上个周末的八级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。


关于”我的上个周末“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:My last weekend。以下是关于我的上个周末的八级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My last weekend

My English Essay from Last Weekend

Last weekend, I had a great time practicing my English skills. As an English enthusiast, I always look forward to opportunities that allow me to immerse myself in the language. During this particular weekend, I decided to dedicate my time to writing essays and reading English literature.


On Saay morning, I started my day by brainstorming ideas for my essay. I chose a thought-provoking topic related to the influence of technology on society. With my mind buzzing with ideas, I began crafting my essay, incorporating relevant facts and examples to support my arguments. It was an intellectually stimulating process that allowed me to explore my thoughts freely.


In the afternoon, I decided to challenge myself by reading an English novel. I opted for a classic piece of literature, "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen. Although the language was slightly difficult to comprehend at times, I persevered and utilized my dictionary to ensure a thorough understanding of the text. The story captivated my imagination, and I found myself engrossed in the lives of the characters.

下午,我决定挑战自己阅读一本英文小说。我选择了一部经典文学作品,《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice) ,作者是简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen)。尽管有时候语言稍微难以理解,坚持下来,利用字典确保对文本有全面的理解。这个故事抓住了我的想象力,我发现自己沉浸在角色的生活中。

On Sunday, I approached my English practice differently. I joined a language exchange program where I had the opportunity to converse with native English speakers. We discussed various topics ranging from cultural differences to current events. It was not only a chance for me to improve my speaking skills but also a wonderful opportunity to expand my cultural knowledge.


By the end of the weekend, I felt a great sense of accomplishment. My essay was complete, I had delved into the world of Jane Austen, and I had engaged in meaningful conversations with native English speakers. It was a fruitful weekend filled with English language immersion and personal growth.


Practicing English in such a dedicated manner not only enhances my language skills but also boosts my confidence in using English. It is through these deliberate efforts that I am able to progress and become more fluent in English. I look forward to more weekends like this, where I can further explore the beauty of the English language.



Last weekend, I cleaned my room on Saay, went fishing with my family last Sunday, I climbed mountains with my parents, watched TV on Sunday afternoon, and did my homework on the last Sunday evening. I was very happy with you on the last weekend.




Last weekend, my last weekend was very busy. On Saay morning, I went to see my grandparents and helped them clean the room. In the afternoon, I went to the bookstore to buy some books.

I washed a lot of clothes in the morning and watched TV in the afternoon. In the evening, I went to bed very early. It was the end of my busy week.

Now I hope to have the next weekend.







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