
关于”2018年全国卷“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:In 2018, the national test paper。以下是关于2018年全国卷的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”2018年全国卷“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:In 2018, the national test paper。以下是关于2018年全国卷的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:In 2018, the national test paper


How to Effectively Improve English Speaking Skills


English, as a global language, has gained remarkable importance in effective communication. However, many students find themselves struggling with poor oral skills while learning English, it difficult for them to express their thoughts fluently. Therefore, improving English speaking proficiency has become a major concern for many individuals. This article will focus on several effective methods to enhance English speaking skills.


Firstly, listening and speaking more is the fundamental approach to improving oral skills. By actively listening to English news, music, movies, and radio, we can develop our perception of English unciation, intonation, and fluency. Furthermore, being willing to initiate conversations and actively partite in English speaking practices, such as communicating with foreign teachers or joining English corners, will significantly enhance our speaking abilities. Of course, during these practices, it is important to reflect on and correct our mistakes in order to continuously improve.


Secondly, expanding vocabulary is crucial in improving speaking abilities. Mastering a larger range of vocabulary will help us express ourselves more accurately and fluently. Reading English books, newspapers, and magazines, listening to English speeches and lectures, and using flashcards for vocabulary memorization and revision are effective methods for increasing vocabulary. Furthermore, actively engaging in English discussions or writing using the acquired vocabulary will allow us to better grasp and utilize these words.


Lastly, practice is the key to improving speaking skills. We can utilize various opportunities and settings to practice and apply English speaking skills. These opportunities may include engaging in conversations with foreign friends, organizing and partiting in English club activities, joining English debates, and so on. Through these practices, we can better apply the language knowledge and techniques learned, while also gaining confidence.


In conclusion, improving English speaking skills requires a combination of methods such as listening and speaking more, expanding vocabulary, and practicing application. Only through persistent practice, coupled with continuous error correction, can we enhance our oral proficiency to become more fluent and confident.


题目:What is the best way to encourage young people to help protect the environment?

翻译:如何鼓励年轻人参与环保要求:1. 阐明观点;

   2. 举例论证;

   3. 提出建议。

In recent years, environmental issues have become increasingly urgent and young people play an important role in protecting the environment. To encourage young people to partite in environmental protection, I think the best way is to raise their awareness of the importance of the environment.

Firstly, the education system can play a significant role in this regard. Environmental courses should be added to the curriculum in schools and universities, which can help young people learn about the damage caused to the environment by human activities and the importance of protecting it. For example, in some schools, environmental protection is a compulsory subject and this has led to an increase in the number of students engaged in environmental protection activities.

Secondly, social media and the internet can be harnessed to spread environmental awareness. Young people today are more connected than ever before and social media can be a powerful tool to engage them in environmental issues. Popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram can be used to share environmental news, campaigns and success stories. This can increase their understanding of environmental issues and inspire them to become more involved in protecting the environment.

Finally, young people should be encouraged to partite in environmental protection activities. For example, local environmental organizations can organize events and activities such as tree planting, beach cleanups or recycling campaigns, and invite young people to partite. This can provide young people with the opportunity to take practical steps to protect the environment, which can motivate them to do more.

In conclusion, to encourage young people to help protect the environment, we need to raise their awareness of the importance of the environment through education, social media and partition in environmental protection activities. Only by doing so can we create a sustainable future for ourselves and for future generations.



假设你是红星中学学生会李华。你校将举办一场英语演讲比赛 (English Speech Contest),请你用英语写一篇演讲稿,内容包括:

1. 参赛的好处 (如锻炼自己的英语口语能力等);

2. 参赛的感受 (如紧张、激动等);

3. 展望比赛结果。




参考词汇:英语演讲比赛English Speech Contest


Suppose you are Li Hua, the president of the Student Union in Hongxing Middle School. Your school is going to hold an English Speech Contest. Please write a speech in English, including the following points:

1. The benefits of partiting in the contest, such as improving your spoken English skills, etc.

2. Your feelings about partiting in the contest, such as nervousness, excitement, etc.

3. Your expectations for the contest results.


1. The speech should be around 100 words.

2. You can add some details appropriately to make the writing coherent.

Reference words: English Speech Contest





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