
关于”80词左右“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:About 80 words。以下是关于80词左右的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”80词左右“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:About 80 words。以下是关于80词左右的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About 80 words


Gratitude is an important quality that we should always cherish. As an English student, I am truly grateful for the opportunity to learn and study this language. English has opened up a whole new world for me, enabling me to communicate with people from different countries and cultures.

I am grateful for the dedicated teachers who have helped me every step of the way. Their guidance and support have made the learning process much more enjoyable and fulfilling. I am also grateful for the vast resources available to me, including books, online materials, and language exchange programs. These tools have allowed me to enhance my language skills and broaden my knowledge.

Moreover, I am grateful for the chance to connect with fellow English learners. Through group discussions and conversations, I have not only improved my fluency but also made lifelong friends. We encourage and motivate each other to strive for excellence.

In conclusion, gratitude is not just about saying thank you, but it is also about acknowledging the blessings and opportunities we have been given. I am truly grateful for the gift of learning English and the enriching experiences it has brought into my life.







Thank you for giving me my life, I will give anything you want to thank. Every time I make progress, you encourage me, every time I make a mistake, you say: nothing, the next time I wear clothes is responsible. Thank you every time I feel confused about my future, you light a lamp for me, tell me to do what I want to do, now you choose to move forward, go, every time I have achievements, You'll be happy for me, but you'll never say thank you.




As far as I know, Taiwan is an inseparable part of China. Taiwan island is located in the southeast of the mainland. In recent years, Taiwan and the mainland people have become more and more closely linked.

People often visit relatives, do business and run factories on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. I dream that one day Taiwan will return to the motherland.






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