




① ② (4) FD - on Monday night of March, I went to Li Jiang's birthday party. We sang and danced. We had a good time at the party.

When I left Lijiang's house, it began to rain. It was very late. I had to walk home.

A motorcycle ran past me very quickly. It hit a boy at the intersection, but the motorcycle didn't stop. I was very angry.

I wrote it FD I immediately called the police, and then I took the boy to the hospital to do the long jump warm-up exercise. On the afternoon of March 1, we had a physical education class. The teacher taught us to practice the long jump.

The bell rang. We gathered on the playground. After the warm-up exercise, the teacher told us about the long jump.

We followed the teacher and practiced one by one. Soon it was my turn. I felt a little nervous I failed for the first time, but I didn't stop practicing.

I finally jumped more than three meters from this class. I found that as long as he has perseverance, he will succeed.


① ②③④④FD-三月日星期一晚上,我去参加李江的生日聚会,我们唱歌跳舞,我们在聚会上玩得很开心当我离开李江家时天开始下雨天很晚了我不得不步行回家一辆摩托车从我身边跑过很快它在十字路口撞了一个男孩但是摩托车没有停下它跑了我很生气我写下了它FD号——我立刻打电话给,然后我把那个男孩送到医院去做跳远热身练习3月1日下午,我们上了体育课,老师教我们练习跳远,铃响了,我们在操场上集合,热身练习后,老师告诉我们跳远的事我们跟着老师,一个接一个地练习,很快轮到我了,我觉得有点紧张,我第一次失败了,但我没有停止练习,我终于从这节课跳了三米多。我发现只要他有毅力,他一定会成功的。




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