
关于”上册重点“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Key Points of the First Half。以下是关于上册重点的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”上册重点“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Key Points of the First Half。以下是关于上册重点的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Key Points of the First Half

English Writing in the First Half of 2021


As the English CET-6 (College English Test Band 6) of the first half of 2021 approaches, let us review some important trends and topics that have emerged in English writing during this period. This article will cover several key subjects, as well as viewpoints and solutions related to these topics.


Firstly, environmental protection has been a common theme in English CET-6 writing during the first half of this year. With the intensification of global warming and environmental degradation, people's concern for environmental protection has increased significantly. In their essays, many test-takers discussed issues such as reducing carbon emissions, conserving energy, protecting wildlife, and promoting sustainable development. They emphasized that everyone has the responsibility to protect the Earth, advocating the use of renewable energy and promoting a green and environmentally-friendly lifestyle.


Secondly, education has also been a hot topic in this year's essays. With the suspension of offline education due to the pandemic, online education has become increasingly prevalent. Many test-takers have engaged in discussions on the advantages and disadvantages of online education and how to adapt to this mode of education more effectively. They believe that online education can provide more learning resources and flexible study time, but also acknowledge the limitations of lack of face-to-face communication and interaction. They proposed some solutions, such as developing online education technology, providing better online education platforms, and training teachers.


Lastly, social media and online security have also been a significant topic of concern. With the popularity and increased usage time of social media, people's concerns about online security have also risen. In their essays, the test-takers discussed issues such as the protection of personal privacy, cyberbullying, and the spread of fake information. They proposed strengthening online security education, enhancing regulation, and establishing stricter laws and regulations to address these issues.


In conclusion, English CET-6 writing in the first half of 2021 has covered topics related to environmental protection, education, and social media, and online security. Test-takers have expressed their viewpoints actively and proposed corresponding solutions. These topics reflect significant issues existing in today's society, and test-takers have actively engaged in the discussions and solutions of these issues through English writing.


Green consumption green consumption the concept of green consumption has gradually become popular in China, more and more green food began to appear in the market, more and more people began to realize environmental protection, on the one hand, there are still many difficulties in further promoting green consumption, on the other hand, many people are not clear about the advantages of green food, on the other hand, due to high profits, the market has appeared More fake green food phenomenon, many consumers are not willing to pay more for green food. The ways to solve these problems are: first, the government should strictly control the quality and protect the interests of consumers; second, it should further promote and emphasize the concept of green consumption, and the government should cooperate with manufacturers to make the price more reasonable.




In the rush of life, we forget how to live, how to find simple things, how to take a walk under the stars at night, providing things that commercial transactions can not provide to enjoy the warm sunshine. The singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers are not only the poet's, but also the object of everyone's meditation. Meditation is a great need.

Meditation can make people understand the relationship, purpose, goal and reward in life, Keen attention is an adjunct to relieving tension. The only way to deal with stress is to learn how to manage your physical and mental rest, including time in bed, and the short-term relaxation that you can relax while walking in the street, stretch your muscles and bones, and turn your attention to the things around you. Moreover, there should be enough time for a leisurely lunch.

The most inefficient way to deal with fatigue and stress is to take stimulants or drugs. Everyone has only a few hours a day and a limited number of years to live, so we need to recognize the limitations of our physical and mental abilities and keep them within these limits.








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