










Yunnan College Entrance Examination English Composition

In recent years, the importance of education has become increasingly prominent, as it serves as a stepping stone to success. Among the numerous students in Yunnan Province, there is always an outstanding one who possesses exceptional qualities and achievements. Today, I would like to introduce a remarkable student named Li Ming.


Li Ming is a diligent and diligent student who consistently ranks at the top of his class. His unwavering commitment to his studies has earned him not only excellent grades but also recognition from his teachers and peers. He is well-known for his exceptional work ethic and his ability to balance his academic pursuits with extracurricular activities.


Moreover, Li Ming is not only academically excellent but also possesses outstanding leadership skills. He is often chosen as the class monitor and has successfully organized various class activities. His classmates admire his ability to motivate and inspire others, him a role model for his peers.


Furthermore, Li Ming is actively involved in community service. He volunteers at local orphanages, elderly care centers, and environmental protection organizations. His selfless dedication to helping others showcases his compassionate heart and sense of responsibility. Li Ming believes that by serving the community, he not only contributes positively to society but also learns valuable life lessons along the way.


In conclusion, Li Ming is an exemplary student who excels academically, demonstrates exceptional leadership skills, and actively engages in community service. His dedication, passion, and determination make him a role model for other students. With his remarkable qualities and achievements, Li Ming undoubtedly represents the best of Yunnan's students.



1. Outstanding (adj.) - extremely good or excellent


2. Achievement (n.) - a thing done successfully with effort, skill, or courage


3. Diligent (adj.) - hardworking and careful in one's work or studies


4. Commitment (n.) - the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause or activity


5. Work ethic (n.) - a set of moral principles that guide a person's behavior in the workplace


6. Pursuit (n.) - a person's quest or journey towards achieving a goal


7. Extracurricular activities (n. pl.) - activities pursued outside regular school curriculum


8. Leadership skills (n. pl.) - the abilities and qualities associated with leading and guiding others


9. Role model (n.) - a person looked up to by others as an example to be imitated


10. Compassionate (adj.) - showing sympathy and concern for others


11. Sense of responsibility (phrase) - the feeling or duty to fulfill tasks or obligations


12. Showcase (v.) - to exhibit or display prominently


13. Dedication (n.) - the quality of being committed to a task or purpose


14. Passion (n.) - strong and barely controllable emotion or enthusiasm


15. Determination (n.) - firmness of purpose; resoluteness



Torch Festival -- Yunnan Ethnic Tourism Festival is the oldest traditional festival of Yi and Bai ethnic groups in Yunnan. Yunnan torch festival originated in Yunnan Province in June or torch festival of the lunar calendar every year. Yunnan has a variety of folk legends.

The Yi nationality in Yunnan is the most important one in ancient legends. It is a world of demons and ghosts. There is a warrior named Baobao who fights with the devil and wrestles with him In the end, the fighting feelings of three days and three nights must be comparable, so people put out the three immortals, broke the ground, patted Duojiao to cheer for the warriors, the warriors finally defeated the demons and demons, were furious, released all kinds of pests to pet the race, and the people who were hard to grow crops gathered at a starting point to burn a worm, and the last one was all burned to death.

It was June On this day of victory, Yunnan people have to kill chickens and sheep. The torch festival's various activities reflect the spirit of Yunnan Yi People's fearlessness for violence and fighting hard. My hometown is Gonghe County, a remote town in the south of Yunnan Province.

It is a famous hometown. My hometown is a beautiful place where Yi, Hani, Yao and Dai live The hometown is famous for its tropical fruits, including bananas, litchi, mango and watermelon.






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