
关于”有教育“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Education exists。以下是关于有教育的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”有教育“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Education exists。以下是关于有教育的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Education exists

Cherish time, time is lack of beginning and end, and everyone's life is limited, a person's time is limited, if a person's life has come to an end, then his time will soon come to an end in the universe. The greatest, most fair and most selfless time lives in the most common and precious spring, summer, autumn and winter, winter, year after year Poplar withered, green and green, flowers withered, but there was a period of time in full bloom, a person's life only once "flowers bloom, there is no youth", time is the same, step by step, a period of time, never stop, "the Yellow River water into the sky, return to the sea", fleeting, we should cherish and your time, the ancients said "night light continuous sky, is widely It tells us: life is limited, we must take time as gold, do not waste precious time, but take advantage of youth to learn more knowledge, in the rest of your life for a big catch the ancients, is not as good as the ancients..




Self education plays a very important role in our life, but the real education starts from self-education, that is self-education. When I finished reading a good book, I had such an experience. The book is rich and exciting.

I fell into deep thoughts and inspired some ordinary people in life. After careful reading and thinking, when I succeed or fail, receive praise or criticism, happiness or sadness, I will find a good mirror to reflect in the book And guide me, I can not but put myself in thinking, "what am I, I will be him." at this time, my mind is open, I am my sincere self, and I am talking with myself. Without my knowledge, I am educating myself, so you can see that self education refers to thinking and refuting in the process of thinking and refuting.

I have memories and evaluation of myself, and then I will make decisions according to my own thoughts and behaviors. I hope I can improve myself in character and behavior. Moral cultivation is an effective way to make people le, capable, intelligent and self-improvement.

As long as a person constantly receives education and education, he will certainly become a superior person.





H1N as we all know, in many countries, the outbreak of H1N1 influenza has caused more and more case reports. It is believed that the transmission mode of H1N1 influenza is the same as that of regular seasonal influenza virus, that is, it is transmitted from people, mainly through the cough and sneezing of virus carriers in the face of this serious disease. Here are some daily measures.

We should first keep healthy and cough Or when you sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue, wash your hands with soap and water frequently, especially after coughing or sneezing. Avoid contact with eyes. If you are sick and stay away from work or school, limit contact with others to avoid infection.

Finally, H1N1 is not a fatal disease and can be cured, so don't be nervous and stay calm as usual.






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