无声无息用英语怎么说 无声无息英语翻译

无声无息的英语为"without any sound",其次还可以说成"soundless and stirless",在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到43个与无声无息相关的短语释义和例句。

无声无息用英语怎么说 无声无息英语翻译

无声无息的英语为"without any sound",其次还可以说成"soundless and stirless",在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到43个与无声无息相关的短语释义和例句。

无声无息翻译为accomplish nothing and have no influence on the external world。

This can sometimes lead to a silent miscarriage early in the pregnancy.

Lie scentless and dead ( 无声无息躺着的地方 )

withdraw noiselessly ( 无声无息地退出 )

The most painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said and never explained ( 无声无息的离开最伤人 )

pass into blackout ( 埋没在无声无息中 )

1. Not one message. i left for a day.

2. He walks like Dracula with footsteps silent like death.

3. So if Zambrano wants your reporter dead, he'll do it in a way that's practically invisible with no strings leading back to him.

4. What did i tell you, Quiet as a mouse.

5. Silent, stealthy, smart-- a lethal option.

6. That way before we know it, i'll see you soon, then.

7. Look at the foothold, and then place the foot quietly and precisely on the hold, with no thunking or clunking.

8. Then i left the girls without even saying goodbye.

9. Leyden, and quietly disappear.

10. "Like sighting the Moon after ages, i fear i'll leave you breathless"

译文:就像经过岁月磨蚀的月光, 我怕我会无声无息地离开你.。

11. - They don't make any noise.

12. "Till moonrise spare the Moon, to see which leaves me breathless..."

13. Having led my life invisibly, no one would come to mourn.

14. Deep water is dark... and restful... and... full of peace.

15. Travel in silence, because there are forces that Looking to destroy us.


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