太常寺用英语怎么说 太常寺的英语翻译

太常寺在英语中的翻译是"t'ai ch'ang ch'?ng",还经常被译作t'ai ch'ang ch'ing,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到67个与太常寺相关的译文和例句。

太常寺用英语怎么说 太常寺的英语翻译

太常寺在英语中的翻译是"t'ai ch'ang ch'?ng",还经常被译作t'ai ch'ang ch'ing,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到67个与太常寺相关的译文和例句。

示例:You leave me in the trenches taking grenades, John! Ch-ch-ch-uh, ch-ch-ch-uh Ch-ch-ch-uh, ch-ch-ch-uh 你让我做替死鬼, 约翰!

示例:Ch'ang-she, Wuhan and Tsinan will all be represented. 长沙、武汉和济南,都有代表参加

2. So everyone would know that we're together.

3. i've been ming around with Ted too much. i know that, too.

4. it often rains here when it's sunny.

5. Minister Yin conspired to usurp the Throne

7. They will be stripped of their titles and exiled to the South

8. Sir, all dead inside Sir, more in the village.

9. We seem to forget all too frequently that machines do not have minds and that minds can either misuse machines or use them properly.


10. So that everyone would know we're together.

11. Master Uncle, the temple is no more.

12. How come we're still in Orchid Temple?

13. You seem nervous... is the Minister not feeling well?

14. We shall bestow on Minister Yin this beautiful carving

15. To burn it down... is an easy thing for the Qin Empire


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