热射线用英语怎么说 热射线的英语翻译

热射线的英语翻译是"heat rays",还可以翻译为  heat rays,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到78个与热射线相关的译文和例句。

热射线用英语怎么说 热射线的英语翻译

热射线的英语翻译是"heat rays",还可以翻译为  heat rays,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到78个与热射线相关的译文和例句。

hot ray reflecting fiber ( 热射线反射纤维 )

1. Gamma ray bursts. Alien abduction.

2. Rontgen called these new rays X2rays, which were named Rontgen rays by other scientists in honor of him.


3. it's hotter in summer than in winter because the rays from the Sun are spread out more, right, because of the tilt of the Earth.

译文:夏天比冬天热是因为太阳的辐射线 传播得比较多,地球倾斜的关系。

4. a radiogram produced by radiation emitted by the specimen being photographed.

5. That includes gamma rays, X-rays, and the high-energy end of ultraviolet.

6. it's sort of your classic idea of a heat ray.

7. if one of the former rays fails to eliminate the foe, this ray might at least hamper it.

8. i still don't understand, Philipp.

9. You can drop the riffle-ray.

10. - i've looked at the X-rays.

11. The long gamma ray bursts Are completely different beasts Compared to

12. Ray-ray, i think she's waking.

13. And the hot, hot wax. Very hot wax.

14. it's hotter in summer than in winter because the rays from the Sun are spread out more, right, because of the tilt of the Earth.

译文:夏天比冬天热是因为太阳的辐射线 传播得比较多,地球倾斜的关系。

15. - So hot in here. - Very hot.


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