漂亮的鞋用英语怎么说 漂亮的鞋英语翻译


漂亮的鞋用英语怎么说 漂亮的鞋英语翻译


Thank you for the pretty wedding ss ( 谢谢这漂亮的结婚鞋 )

The Beautiful high heel Ss ( 漂亮的高跟鞋 )

1. They were really nice ss, $180 pair of ss, and...

5. They wear nice dresses, high-heeled ss.

6. These things hurt, no matter how beautiful they are.

7. Dude, you want to see a whole large collection of ss?

8. Lana Turner, let's say, with a nice pair of high heels... and i'll point to them and say,

9. Well heeled: The stars were back in their stilettos and glamorous frocks .

10. She needs food, she needs good ss...

11. it's like the only thing in the world that matters is that they find the perfect s to match that dress.

译文:好像全世界最重要的事情 就是给漂亮的婚纱配上完美的鞋。

12. What pretty ss! Are they new?

13. Women in polished high heels and impeccable coiffures swept past.

14. Ss: that of a clown's."

15. if i let down my hair and wear heels, i'm really pretty.


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