阿波说用英语怎么说 阿波说的英语翻译


阿波说用英语怎么说 阿波说的英语翻译


2. Bo. Are you going somewhere?

3. Basilios, Apollodotus, King Apollodotus.

4. Within 18 months of this picture, the modern environmental movement had begun.

5. - Shall we proceed? - Hang on, guys. Use extreme caution, Apollo.

6. - Here! - Slow, slow, slow.

7. - it's messed up when Apollo dies, too.

8. i think that my son, Bo, should go.

9. Bump, don't forget to submit your work tomorrow.

10. "Premiere at the Apollo cinema."

11. Amy Abolafia, her daughter, said she is sure.

12. Hey, what about Apollo? How'd it all work out?

13. Your men sacked the temple of Apollo, yes?

14. You killed Apollo's priests.

15. Yes. But actually this is Bump's idea.


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