氧疗用英语怎么说 氧疗的英语翻译

氧疗用英语翻译为"oxygen therapy",还网络中常译为"oxygen treatment",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到54个与氧疗相关的翻译和例句。

氧疗用英语怎么说 氧疗的英语翻译

氧疗用英语翻译为"oxygen therapy",还网络中常译为"oxygen treatment",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到54个与氧疗相关的翻译和例句。

1. it was concluded that HFV inspiring oxygen could more effectively and quickly improve the patients' hypoxia, which can be adopted as a normal therapy for acute intracerebral injury.

译文:HF V比常规吸氧能更有效、更迅速地改善病人缺氧状况,可作为脑外伤常规氧疗方法。

2. it is the first one to set up community occupation therapy institution (Kangyuan Occupation Therapy Station).

3. "Oh, what is that soothing sound?"

4. i've nursed myself to sleep on those sounds.

5. Study on the Treatment of Saponin Wastewater by Hydrolysis-ABSW-Aerobic Processing

6. Nutrients supplication, bedrest and application of oxygen, aspirin, salbutamol etc. would increase fetal weight.


7. - Previously on "Web Therapy"...

8. Great architecture can heal.

9. And this is what we're famous for. Our theutic baths.

10. Having trouble ventilating.

11. it is ourselves we are healing.

12. plateau, humidification , oxygen therapy , oxygen therapy compliance.

13. Previously on "Web Therapy"...

14. Lisa, i think you're battling some serious -teasing issues.

15. Even heal grievous wounds.


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