战术家用英语怎么说 战术家的英语翻译

战术家的英语为"tactician",在日常中也可以翻译为"  tactician",在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到68个与战术家相关的翻译和例句。

战术家用英语怎么说 战术家的英语翻译

战术家的英语为"tactician",在日常中也可以翻译为"  tactician",在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到68个与战术家相关的翻译和例句。

Minotaur Tactician ( 牛头怪战术家 )

Chinese Kungfu Masters ( 中华武术实战名家 )

Chief Technology Strategist ( 首席技术战略家 )

High Tech Strategist ( 高技术战略家简报 )

1. - Many of the tactics and the arguments that have been used by the environmental groups against nuclear power are exactly the same tactics and arguments that are used by climate skeptics.

2. ilration by Jac DepczykEVERY financial crisis involves a tug of war between the tacticians and the strategists.

3. Anyway, i've got my own plays.

4. - Where's the tactical team?

5. Plain sight. Classic tactic, man.

6. This court-age that you speak.

7. Forfeit my ass. Run this play.

8. Five-forty down! Fifty-fifty!

9. Clay, tactical training and command.

10. Tactical maneuver... tactical maneuver...

11. Now go! The coach makes a late tactical change, and Franck Boucet comes on.

12. - it's a tool of war, Gordo.

13. That veer's getting better. i'll admit that. - But you're still weak on the left side.

14. Moving out. Remember the tactical plan.

15. The FM tacticians still have a serious advantage over real life managers.


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