差不离用英语怎么说 差不离的英语翻译

差不离用英语翻译为"almost",还可以翻译为  not good enough,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到68个与差不离相关的短语释义和例句。

差不离用英语怎么说 差不离的英语翻译

差不离用英语翻译为"almost",还可以翻译为  not good enough,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到68个与差不离相关的短语释义和例句。

2. partial nondisjunction(局部不离开)

3. ♪ We'll come together ♪ ♪ in the end ♪

4. The nurse did not come out her side.

5. But i thought it was open- You shouldn't think.

6. An Asgardian stabbed me through the heart with a Chitauri scepter.

译文:差不离 一个阿斯加德人拿着 齐塔瑞权杖戳穿了我的心脏。

7. Flying Snow and i will never part nor will our swords

8. No question of divorce. Divorce is out.

9. "Just as long as you stay."

10. Neither forsake nor abandon.

11. ♪ We'll come together ♪ ♪ Together Now! ♪

12. Why won't he let us leave ?

13. And no one lives happily ever after.

14. Not quite. But i can pretty much remember what i see.

15. - So where does that leave me?


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