持久化用英语怎么说 持久化的英语翻译

持久化的英语可以这样说:  Persistence by reachability,还网络中常译为"persistence framework -",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到30个与持久化相关的译文和例句。

持久化用英语怎么说 持久化的英语翻译

持久化的英语可以这样说:  Persistence by reachability,还网络中常译为"persistence framework -",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到30个与持久化相关的译文和例句。

1.   Persistence by reachability

持久化翻译为   Persistence by reachability。

EBS provides a persistent store.

2. endurable pressure([化] 持久压力)

persistent object PO ( 持久化对象 )

Permanent Session ( 实现会话持久化 )

Persistent collections ( 持久化集合类 )

transitive persistence ( 传播性持久化 )

Manipulating Persistent Data ( 操作持久化数据 )

Persistence Context EXTENDED Persistence Context Persist Context ( 持久化上下文 )

1. Don't worry. it won't last.

5. Neural handshake strong and holding.

6. You know, reputations are built on trust, consistency, transparency.

7. "This wouldn't last," they said.

8. They can't last for a long time

9. it's incredible. Oh! For a minute i thought that man didn't have an arm.

10. Persistence means long-lasting.

11. Before we can use ofy, however, we need to register persistent cl in a static initializer like Photo in Listing 2.


12. This is a long haul fight.

13. it won't last long because it cannot adapt.

14. Not even darkness lasts forever.

15. it will then commit the transaction, unbind the persistence context, and close it.


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