染色液用英语怎么说 染色液的英语翻译

染色液在英语中的翻译是"  Reagent",在日常中也可以翻译为"  Graff's stain Graff",在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到51个与染色液相关的释义和例句。

染色液用英语怎么说 染色液的英语翻译

染色液在英语中的翻译是"  Reagent",在日常中也可以翻译为"  Graff's stain Graff",在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到51个与染色液相关的释义和例句。

Kinyoun Ziehl-Neelsen Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Acid-fast Staining Solution ( 抗酸染色液 )

May-Grunwald Stain ( 迈格林华染色液 )

Gram Stain Gram stain solution ( 革兰氏染色液 )

1. liquid residue hydrolysis liquid residue mixer liquid silicium rubber lixiviant load cell loop ring loop agitator

2. Oh, dear. Purell, Purell, Purell, Purell.

译文:洗手液 洗手液 洗手液 洗手液 Purell, Purell, Purell, Purell.。

3. The toluidine blue staining was distaining or uneven in the osteoarthritic cartilage.

4. For bright pink, use whole dye package.

5. Pass me the detergent, please.

6. But look what happens when i add the dye.

7. Effects of different pH values of fixatives and antigen retrieval buffers on immunohistochemical staining

8. There are some troubles in microfibre dyeing, such as decrease in dye depth, uneven dyeing, poor fastness and so on.


9. Uh, transmission fluid, brake fluid, where are those disposed of?

10. Maddy needs to tell her daddy she's sorry before he goes.

11. Did you change your hair color?

12. it uses saponified fluid as the coolant which is safe convenient for use.

13. Cell suspension was collected, and then stained after hypotonic treatment.

14. Bleach smells like bleach.

15. it also includes detergents, lotions, soaps.


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