香馥用英语怎么说 香馥的英语翻译

香馥的英语为"  spiciness",还网络中常译为"spiciness",在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到88个与香馥相关的翻译和例句。

香馥用英语怎么说 香馥的英语翻译

香馥的英语为"  spiciness",还网络中常译为"spiciness",在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到88个与香馥相关的翻译和例句。

soap fougere essence ( 皂用馥奇香精 )

1. i've some great posters of Cindy Crawford.

译文:我收集了不少 Cindy Crawford(辛迪. 克劳馥)的"正点"海报。

2. He was there closing his deal with the Rice-a-Roni people the whole time.

3. Ah Heung! Ah Heung! What rotten luck!

4. And i wanna be 5'10" like Cindy Crawford.

5. A slap, very Joan Crawford.

6. Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Fissistigma oldhamii

7. A newly recorded species of Fissistigma (Annonaceae) from China

8. Chantal won't-- Chantal can't have children.

9. known to be more tender than other chickens, will be prepared by French luxury food maker Fauchon and will serve six to eight people each.


10. You could be the next Cindy Caulfield.

11. The joss sticks are broken!

12. Ah Heung's coming. - Ah Heung.

13. Michelle Rubin, Fitness and Health. Excuse me. Hi.

14. Every good man misses her.

15. i always heard growing up that Joan Crawford said that... whenever she went out, she had to go out as Joan Crawford.


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