烟胶的英语是"ribbed smoked sheet",还经常被译作glue sniffer,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到12个与烟胶相关的翻译和例句。
5. Yellow glue is usually referred to as aliphatic resin glue.
6. Extraterrestrial Herbal Vine!
7. - My goloshes, Lily, my goloshes.
8. Press configuration cent, basically have glue of glue, water radical (emulsion) with hot frit glue (solid glue) .
9. -There at the rock. -What now?
10. French ones... the best cigarettes
11. Fumo plastic, white latex, pressure, urine aldehyde plastic, ethanol diluted materials, construction plastic, strong plastic, Shuangzufen plastic, furan resins such as plastic manufacturing.
12. No, wait. it's better to be humble.
13. - You got a cigarette around?
14. Caulking gun? Cheese Fritos?
15. Cassia bean gum showed highly synergic with Xanthan gum and Carrageenan, but not synergic with Guar gum.