蹑履用英语怎么说 蹑履的英语翻译

蹑履的英语为"sandalops melancholicus",还网络中常译为"tread on",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到39个与蹑履相关的释义和例句。

蹑履用英语怎么说 蹑履的英语翻译

蹑履的英语为"sandalops melancholicus",还网络中常译为"tread on",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到39个与蹑履相关的释义和例句。

4. ..when Kansas became a territory?

5. Butjust keep in mind, Mr. Sandin...

6. Tomorrow they'll think Roman took his revenge on you and we were all sacrificed.

7. Sal, if you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them.

8. - Those vipers were controlled by Hassansins. - Hassansins?

9. Nizam wants me dead, and he's hired Hassansins to make sure that does happen.

10. Sal, i can't blame you for being a little afraid.

11. Remember, quiet as a snake.

12. i grew up in Kansas, general.

13. ♪ Like a tiger hot on the trail

14. Creeps in this... petty pace... from day to day... to the last... syllable... of recorded time;

译文:一天接着一天地... Creeps in this... 蹑步前进...。

15. These are all people who love your pizza.


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