地球生物用英语怎么说 地球生物英语翻译

地球生物的英语为"estuarine biogeochemistry",还可以翻译为pedogeochemical,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到29个与地球生物相关的短语翻译和用法。

地球生物用英语怎么说 地球生物英语翻译

地球生物的英语为"estuarine biogeochemistry",还可以翻译为pedogeochemical,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到29个与地球生物相关的短语翻译和用法。

4. paleobiogeochemistry(古生物地球化学)

3. The biosphere is the size of the Earth.

4. They tell the history of our universe, of our planet, of life on this planet.

5. Bacteria are the oldest living organisms on the earth.

6. You know, they're sky people-- beings that are of the extraterrestrial origin.

7. Because it means that -- the way life can live out there, it has enormous advantages as compared with living on a planet.

译文:因为那意味着地球以外的生物适应环境的能力 远胜于地球上生物。

8. Bacteria are the oldest living organisms on the earth.

9. the health of the oceans and everything else.

10. This archive holds the world we are going to live in.

11. Because it means that -- the way life can live out there, it has enormous advantages as compared with living on a planet.

译文:因为那意味着地球以外的生物适应环境的能力 远胜于地球上生物。

12. So make sure that creature doesn't get to Earth.

13. As far as we know there are more than a hundred alien species outside earth.

14. This is what i call the Earth's biological horizon.

15. A little over one billion years ago life on Earth made an quantum leap.


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