鸡零狗碎用英语怎么说 鸡零狗碎英语翻译

鸡零狗碎通常被翻译为"fragmental ion"的意思,其次还可以说成"fragmentedly",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到21个与鸡零狗碎相关的释义和例句。

鸡零狗碎用英语怎么说 鸡零狗碎英语翻译

鸡零狗碎通常被翻译为"fragmental ion"的意思,其次还可以说成"fragmentedly",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到21个与鸡零狗碎相关的释义和例句。

3. Wang is everywhere. He is in the bistro.

4. Just feed them a stray fact here and a stray fact there.

5. i want pieces. Bits and pieces."

6. Whatever bits and pieces i can recall at least.

7. Yeah, i was using it to keep my nuts and bolts in.

8. Don't quibble over fractions.

9. his head and a little bit of backbone.

10. Bits and pieces. Arriving at the airport.

11. Save me some of that hash.

译文:那些零碎给我留点 Save me some of that hash.。

12. Yeah, there's odds and ends.

13. Davina was sorting out ss of material.

14. it's just a bunch of little bits and pieces out of sequence.

15. There's something that makes all of these pieces fit together.


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