朝元用英语怎么说 朝元的英语翻译

朝元通常被翻译为"  north korean won"的意思,在日常中也可以翻译为"  asamoto",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到34个与朝元相关的释义和例句。

朝元用英语怎么说 朝元的英语翻译

朝元通常被翻译为"  north korean won"的意思,在日常中也可以翻译为"  asamoto",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到34个与朝元相关的释义和例句。

minister to three emperors an official who stays in power under different reg ( 三朝元老 )

korean folk village ( 朝元观光振兴公司 )

2 Genghis Khan 2 - Clan of the Grey Wolf ( 元朝秘史)

Gakuen Asahimotomachi ( 学园朝日元町 )

Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Meshika - Genchou Hishi ( 苍狼与白鹿)

1. Fire right into the canvas!

2. One hundred... ten... 20... and five... for young Django here.

3. $7 for the post-impressionists and $10.50 for The Egyptians - Fourth to Seventh Dynasties make it a total of $52.75, and there's $1.20 for the taxi.

译文:那本《后印象派主义者》是7元 《埃及人 第四朝至第七朝》要10.5元 总共52.75元加1.2元车费。

4. is Wonhyo Bridge named after the monk Wonhyo?

译文:元晓大桥的元晓是 那个元晓大师的元晓吗 (元晓韩国和尚的法号)。

5. A balcony with lookout to the sea and a cannon.

6. $215, plus the $8 delivery fee.

7. The Korean national anthem.

8. 1, 5, 10, 50, whatever you need,

9. Twenty bucks, thirty bucks?

10. - He went right down that way, sir.

11. Pinocchio, swim for s. Swim for s.

12. Clock 'em. Coming up on the other side.

13. Five bucks, please. Just five bucks.

14. One week it´s $50, the next it´s $100.

15. Zilong Chen is an undercover!


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