一侧用英语怎么说 一侧的英语翻译

一侧的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为  the side of,还可以翻译为unilateral,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到25个与一侧相关的释义和例句。

一侧用英语怎么说 一侧的英语翻译

一侧的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为  the side of,还可以翻译为unilateral,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到25个与一侧相关的释义和例句。

lateralization haha lateralization ( 一侧化 )

unilateral einseitig one-sided On one side of the ( 一侧的 昆 )

right side right hand side ( 靠右的一侧 )

reverse side the opposite side Other side ( 另一侧 )

hemifacial microsolnia syndrome ( 一侧颜面短小综合征 )

1. it means this side of the corridor has suddenly become much colder than that side.

2. Affirmative, Red Leader. Directly behind you and on your starboard side.

3. it's the other side of the Earth.

4. The car skidded and slewed sideways.

5. See how he only favors one side?

6. That's the tree at the side of the house.

7. The tidal effect is obtained when part of a body is more strongly attracted the seriousness of the other party.

译文:潮汐效应是普通的引力互动 就是一侧受到的拉力大于另外一侧。

8. - See you on the other side, Pete.

9. One side just does not live up to its full potential, maybe

10. The vents are right on the other side.

11. We have to be on the same team.

12. On the other side of the valley.

13. ♪ with our bodies rockin' from side to side ♪

14. Please use the other side.

15. Relax, we're on the same side.


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