真纪奈用英语怎么说 真纪奈的英语翻译

真纪奈用英语说"true position",其次还可以说成"shinji",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到60个与真纪奈相关的短语翻译和用法。

真纪奈用英语怎么说 真纪奈的英语翻译

真纪奈用英语说"true position",其次还可以说成"shinji",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到60个与真纪奈相关的短语翻译和用法。

3. - Physician" his oldest son, Kurokawa Daisuke-san, "Nakazawa Manami (27) - Housekeeper" and his housekeeper, Nakazawa Manami-san.

4. Nana, why aren't you eating?

5. A silent voice when our hearts connected

6. Nigel, old chap. Good to see you.

7. Dr. Bennett. Oh, it's good to see you.

8. 'Yasuo' is... your real name, right?

9. Noriko-chan, Yumi-chan, Nana-chan.

10. Over here we have Mad Dog Madison and Linc Hawk.

11. Central broadcast the J plan after Griffin's death.

12. You sure look pretty today, Nettie.

13. i love you, Nay-Nay! i've always loved you!

14. Tell Manami i'll soon come and see her precious bedspreads.

15. in Lee's case, his beloved pillow has animage of Fate Testarossa, from the 'magical girl' anime series MahouShoujo Lyrical Nanoha.




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