红曲菌用英语怎么说 红曲菌的英语翻译


红曲菌用英语怎么说 红曲菌的英语翻译


3. Culture condition optimization for Monascus 0301 producing pigment and its citrinin content measurement

4. Methods:8 cases with maxillary sinus aspergillosis were proformed by surgical speciment and histological examination. All were examinated by stand or sited position X-ray plain film and axial CT scan.


5. Citrinin was probably found in Honqqu (Monascus spp. ) product, thus affected the Hongqu export of our country.


6. Conclusion: Compound monascus preparation can regulate blood lipid.

7. Objective: To study the supermicro-morphology of Monascus fungi.

8. The stability order was cochineal carmine, monascus red and bixin.

9. Study, production and application of ang-kak

10. Results showed:Monasucus ruber could be cultured on rice and soybean chips.

11. Accordingly, the discovery of citrinin in monascus brought tremendous dispute about the safety of red starter products.


12. The red pigment fermented by Monascus sp. is an important raw material for food coloring from ancient time.

13. Application of Artificial Neural Network to the Saccharification Technology of Monascus Waxberry Wine Optimization

14. Research of Monacolin K Production by Liquid Fermentation of Monascus SPP. ;

15. The history of red koji brewing technique in ancientry is introduced in this article.


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