多头管理用英语怎么说 多头管理英语翻译

多头管理用英语翻译为"  overlapping management",还可以翻译为multiple management,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到59个与多头管理相关的释义和例句。

多头管理用英语怎么说 多头管理英语翻译

多头管理用英语翻译为"  overlapping management",还可以翻译为multiple management,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到59个与多头管理相关的释义和例句。

1. We started out with well over 9,000.

2. The shape is different from Judo's brain.

3. Where did she get all those different heads?

4. You hair has a lot of dandruff.

5. Kind of expensive, and you don't have much hair.

6. Seven hundred cattle have been infected. We've lost 50 head so far.

译文:到目前为止有七百多头牛遭到感染 其中五十多头已经死亡。

7. But you have plenty of hair, why take my toupee?

8. Ain't she got a iot of hair?

9. One woman sheds hair at home and she clogs up the bathtub

10. it's got more hair than you, Frank.

11. i'm enjoying the restaurant, even with all the headaches.

12. Our RF5 checkweigher complements the multihead perfectly.

13. Doctor, see this. Suddenly, i have lost so much hair.

14. The hydra wasn't the doozy.

15. He's lost lots of hair, but his eyes are the same.


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