日臻完善用英语怎么说 日臻完善英语翻译

日臻完善在英语中的翻译是"finify",其次还可以说成"perfect frame",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到65个与日臻完善相关的短语释义和例句。

日臻完善用英语怎么说 日臻完善英语翻译

日臻完善在英语中的翻译是"finify",其次还可以说成"perfect frame",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到65个与日臻完善相关的短语释义和例句。


3. it's not a proper plan yet, yeah?

4. Finely tuned... beautiful...

5. - We're still perfecting it.

6. And as you're thinking of the consequences of that, it's getting really hard to hide from this stuff, among other things, because it's not just the electronic tattoos, it's facial recognition that's getting really good.

译文:而且,当你想想它所产生的结果时, (你会发现),你从中无处躲藏,并且, 因为不仅仅是这些电子纹身 面部识别技术也日臻完善。

7. Always sounds like good advice.

8. The personality developed out of necessity.

9. Security could be an issue.

10. And... and... and fully-stocked kitchens, man.

11. if he perfected xenogenesis...

12. Hey, none of us were perfect in high school.

13. -Yeah, well, it's imperfect.

14. Perfect for a day like this.

15. it's a wheel, it works fine.


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